
Friday, June 19, 2009

(TALKZIMBABWE) Tsvangirai's newsletter unnecessary

Tsvangirai's newsletter unnecessary
Thu, 18 Jun 2009 22:45:00 +0000

DEAR EDITOR - Yesterday I saw one incredibly shocking news article title on one of the online media outlets. It read: "Tsvangirai launches newsletter to counter state propaganda". What state propaganda? Is it the same state that Tsvangirai is prime minister of?

I was also shocked that the PM has funds to launch a parallel newsletter to the Herald at a time when the inclusive Government is struggling with funds.

I remember reading a report last month saying that some of the ministers in the new inclusive Government had very little furniture in their offices and that supplies and consumables were scarce in many of the ministers' offices.

The lauch of this newsletter is very disturbing in three significant ways:

1. Prime Minister Tsvangirai's office is very poorly advised to launch such a PR exercise at a time when he is on a re-engagement state visit convincing the world that the inclusive Government is working;

2. The PM is getting extra funding for party work "within the state" at a time when the state is supposed to be consolidated and the various organs working in harmony. This will create unnecessary competition between the various departments and organs of the state. Only a few weeks ago PM Tsvangirai told the world that the media environment had significantly changed. So he either lied to the people or he is just generally naive when it comes to understanding statecraft.

3.There are divisive elements that are bent on destabilising the harmony that is obtaining in Zimbabwe since the formation of the inclusive Government. The MDC should separate state and party issues.

These three issues make one fail to understand where the MDC is aiming to take the inclusive Government and whether that party really cares about the welfare of the majority of people who face hardships daily.

Tendai Masanganise
London, UK

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