
Saturday, July 18, 2009

Govt still consulting on FoI Bill – Shikapwasha

Govt still consulting on FoI Bill – Shikapwasha
Written by Ernest Chanda
Saturday, July 18, 2009 9:33:31 PM

INFORMATION and broadcasting services minister Lieutenant General Ronnie Shikapwasha has said the Freedom of Information (FoI) Bill will not be considered in this session of Parliament. In an interview on Thursday after he toured some media houses in Lusaka, Lt Gen Shikapwasha said the government was still consulting on the matter.

"In this session of four weeks, as you have seen from yesterday [Wednesday] to today [Thursday], there are going to be 10 or 15 Bills. So the independent broadcasting Act, to amend the Act and the Freedom of Information Bill are still pending. There are many other 15 or 20 Bills that have to come through. But we are on line, once we move in we will get them done," Lt Gen Shikapwasha said.

"In this session here we may not get the Freedom of Information Bill dealt with because; as you know some of you in the non-governmental media have gone with our wonderful lady [Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation acting director] Mrs [Juliana] Mwila to the UK [United Kingdom] to go and see how the UK have gone ahead to first of all pass the law and then implement the Freedom of Information Bill, and this is being done. And what we gained from there we are trying to adjust that position to our own programme. There are still some consultations to be done. We feel that this session here will not be able to make it but we will make it for the next session."

Asked if the Independent Broadcasting Authority (IBA) Act would be tabled in this session of Parliament, Lt Gen Shikapwasha simply expressed hope.

"The IBA I'm hopping that it will be tabled. It's at Cabinet level, it's been there for some time and after Cabinet has dealt with it then it goes to Parliament," he said.

And Lt Gen Shikapwasha said he sees greed in Patriotic Front (PF) leader Michael Sata and United Party for National Development (UPND) leader Hakainde Hichilema.

He said the duo had no interest in national unity other than their quest to get to State House.

"Today you see the desperation of the opposition that they feel and think that out of chaos they can rule Zambia. But the people of Zambia don't want chaos, the Zambian people want peace, the Zambian people want development. The youngsters, young women and young men that are there now don't want politics of old, to try and impeach a President with no apparent reason. That impeachment will fall flat on the face of Mr Sata," Lt Gen Shikapwasha said.

"Democracy requires that you sacrifice your position to allow for democracy to go forward. And I see no sacrifice that's being made by Mr Sata or Mr Hakainde, all I see is greed. I see people who want to get into government without an agenda, and you can have a disastrous country when you have people that just want to have power and they want to get into power without an agenda."

Meanwhile, local government deputy minister Chrispin Musosha challenged Sata to disclose the names of MMD members of parliament who were supporting the impeachment of President Rupiah Banda.

Musosha, who is also Mansa Central MMD member of parliament and acting Luapula Province party chairman, said as far as he knew there was no MMD parliamentarian who could support the impeachment.

"First of all I want to thank Mr Sata for making that revelation. And in the same vein I'm challenging him to disclose the names of MMD members of parliament supporting the impeachment of President Rupiah Banda. For me I don't support the idea because the man [President Banda] has just started and you can't judge him so early," said Musosha.

"I admit that Mr Sata has a track record of having worked very well at every ministry and I thank him for that. I also appeal to him to praise President Banda when he performs well. We should give credit where it is due, and as far as I know there is no MMD member of parliament supporting the impeachment. Can Mr Sata help us by telling the nation which MP from the ruling party is supporting the impeachment."

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