
Wednesday, July 08, 2009

(HERALD) ‘We cannot sideline Gono’

‘We cannot sideline Gono’
Herald Reporter

DEPUTY Prime Minister Arthur Mutambara yesterday said he was prepared to work with Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe Governor Dr Gideon Gono and pleaded with Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai to ensure unity in the inclusive Government if the country was to prosper.

Addressing small-scale miners at a function attended by PM Tsvangirai, Deputy Prime Minister Thokozani Khupe, Mines and Mining Development Minister Obert Mpofu, his deputy Murisi Zwizwai, Dr Gono and other senior Government officials in Harare, DPM Mutambara said there was more that united Zimbabweans than divided them.

"Musha usina bopoto hausi musha. (There is no family without quarrels). There is more that unites us than divides us. VaGono, tinofanira kushanda tese (Governor Gono, we must work together) as long as I am the Deputy Prime Minister. PM, ndinokumbira kuti vana veZimbabwe tishande tese (Prime Minister, I beg that Zimbabweans have unity of purpose)," he said.

DPM Mutambara added: "Nyaya yekubatana please, vana veZimbabwe ngatishande tese. (Zimbabweans please let’s unite)."

The DPM’s comments also come in the wake of last week’s boycott of a Cabinet meeting by MDC-T ministers and PM Tsvangirai’s recent trip to the United States and Europe to press for the removal of economic sanctions and seek a financial package to revive the economy.

DPM Mutambara said Zimbabwe could only overcome its current economic challenges if the inclusive Government worked as a team.

He said the country’s future lies in the exploitation of its natural resources like gold and "not aid from America or China".

Last month, DPM Mutambara said principals to the Global Political Agreement could resolve outstanding issues involving the appointments of Dr Gono and Attorney-General Mr Johannes Tomana without Sadc’s mediation.

"Dr Gono and Attorney-General Mr Tomana have the highest qualifications for office, but what is only needed is the three principals to agree on the appointments since they were appointed by President Robert Mugabe alone without the other principals," he said then.

The central bank Governor and the Attorney General’s appointments were, however, done at a time the MDC formations were prevaricating on joining Government. Moreso President Mugabe, as Head of State and Government, is

empowered under the Constitution to make the appointments.

The small-scale miners used the occasion to present to Government the 50kg of gold that they mined using loans totaling US$1,1 million provided by the People’s Own Savings Bank and the newly established TN Bank.

In his address to the miners, PM Tsvangirai said Africa had put much attention on politics instead of focusing on economics.

"Africa has been concentrating on politics for too long," he said, adding: "Let’s have an economic thrust . . ."

PM Tsvangirai noted that a hungry nation was prone to conflicts, saying "Mumba musina chinhu bopoto hari peri (Deprivation in the home feeds endless quarrels)."

MDC-T has been calling for the removal of Dr Gono from his post and has listed his appointment and that of Attorney-General Tomana as outstanding issues under the GPA.

Last month, MDC-T asked Sadc to convene an urgent extraordinary summit to deal with the "outstanding issues", but the MDC and Zanu-PF said the move was premature because the party principals had not declared a deadlock.

Zanu-PF, on the other hand, argues that economic sanctions are the real outstanding issue.

President Mugabe has made it clear that Dr Gono is not going anywhere. He challenged those claiming that Dr Gono had done wrong to prove it.

The President said Dr Gono’s enemies wanted him booted out office because he stood by Government at a time when the West was pushing for illegal regime change.

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