
Tuesday, July 28, 2009

I’m a believer of media freedom: Shikapwasha denies threats to close Sky FM

I’m a believer of media freedom: Shikapwasha denies threats to close Sky FM
Written by Ernest Chanda
Tuesday, July 28, 2009 5:29:13 PM

INFORMATION and Broadcasting Services minister Lieutenant General Ronnie Shikapwasha has said he has no intention of closing down Sky FM radio of Monze. Commenting on revelations that he was threatening to close down the station, Lt Gen Shikapwasha said he was a believer in media freedom and would not close a radio station if it was operating within the law.

“Let me state that I have been listening to Sky FM for the past one month. I listen to their programmes every day, including the live phone-in programme. I want to say that I have no problem with criticism that is meant to build the nation. I have heard several meaningful criticisms on this programme. Sometimes the callers have gone ahead criticizing this government and suggesting other governments, I have no problem with that,” Lt Gen Shikapwasha said.

“Sky FM is not the only one I have spoken to. I have also spoken to radio Icengelo and I have no problem with their criticism. But I have a problem with a situation where a radio station goes out of the way and airs insults against other people. Management at all radio stations that conduct phone-in programmes should understand that while the callers insult, those they insult are also listening and are bound to react. In this way that radio station is creating tension in the country, this I will not tolerate.”

He said radio stations should be mindful of the security of the country as they go about their daily operations.

“Security of any country is important and no radio station will be allowed to subvert the law and compromise the security of this country. Let us remember that the genocide in Rwanda was started by the media. One radio station was broadcasting messages that were against a certain group of the community. People from that group were being called cockroaches and that they should be killed,” he said.

“And we all know the results of that genocide. So, can we surely allow such a situation to come to this country? Is that what we can call freedom of the media? The media planted seeds of genocide in that country at that time. I want to say that the media in this country, including The Post should be responsible as they operate.”

Lt Gen Shikapwasha complained that Sky FM management were not controlling their customers who called to participate on their programmes.

“It is important for any radio station to make sure that they make a balance in the way they conduct themselves. Sky FM has not been controlling their callers who have been calling others names. They have been calling people buffoons, stupid and other things,” he said.

“For example yesterday [Monday] one calleer referred to Zimbabwean nurses as prostitutes. Surely, if these nurses were to attend to a Zambian who fell sick in Zimbabwe would they do it whole heartedly? They would say no, you people have called us prostitutes. This is why I called the Sky FM moderator to tell him that he was not giving guidance to his callers.”

Asked why the ministry has been asking for recordings from Sky FM, Lt Gen Shikapwasha said it was a normal operation.

“I have always acted within the law and this is why I asked for recordings from Sky Fm. I have always done this with radio Phoenix, with Muvi Tv and even Radio Christian Voice. I asked my permanent secretary to get recordings from Sky FM so that I could listen and guide appropriately,’ he said.

“Media freedom doesn’t mean freedom to create chaos. No source from this ministry told you that I will close the station, it was Hambulo himself. Let him be brave enough and be on record. There is no body here in the ministry who knows about those letters you published from the ministry apart from Hambulo himself.’

When told that the source of the information in yesterday’s story was not Hambulo but some ministry sources, Lt Gen Shikapwasha said that such people were peddling lies.

“I don’t like people who lie. I’m the one who spoke to Hambulo because I was angered and I wanted to say it’s wrong for any radio station to air lies. The gentleman you quoted to have made an allegation against President Banda and King Mswati didn’t even say King Mswati, he simply said Mswati. He said Mswati is here so that he can exchange women with Banda.”

“Now, what kind of a nation do you want to build where you insult a visiting Kind and your own President? Does that caller have evidence to stand and say this is happening? We don’t want to close any radio station. I have been in business of criticism for 45 years and I know how to handle that. I agree with the last part of your editorial comment where you have called on people to be responsible. That should have started your story, not attacking me as you have done. I insist that we shall not close any station that operates within the law. In fact I’m meeting Mr Hambulo on Thursday [tomorrow] so that we can discuss the issue,” said Lt Gen Shikapwasha.

On Monday some sources within the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting Services revealed that Lt Gen Shikapwasha had been planning to close down Sky FM because he has not been happy with comments from some callers.

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