
Monday, July 20, 2009

IPI questions govt over Kabwela

IPI questions govt over Kabwela
Written by Chibaula Silwamba and Mwala Kalaluka
Monday, July 20, 2009 7:30:57 AM

THE International Press Institute (IPI) has expressed concern that the Zambian government is using trumped-up criminal charges as a tool for intimidating and harassing critical journalists like Post news editor Chansa Kabwela.

And Zambia's women's rights activist Sara Longwe, who described Kabwela as a young leader, said those who described a woman's tortured body as pornographic and obscene should be shameful of themselves.

In a media statement, IPI director David Dadge stated that Kabwela should be warmly applauded for bringing the issue of a woman giving birth in public to the attention of the Ministry of Heath rather than making her face prosecution and imprisonment.

"I find it worrying that a nation's health minister could allegedly have his morals corrupted by a photograph of a woman giving birth," Dadge stated. "This case will have a chilling effect on the media, who will be reluctant in the future to report on such issues, to the detriment of the Zambian people. It would be better for the Zambian government to stop hiding its embarrassment behind a badly defined law, and actually work on solving the issue that has been exposed by the photograph. The fact that Kabwela is having to fight the charge is yet further evidence that The Post is being targeted for its critical reporting of President [Rupiah] Banda and the government."

Dadge noted that since the beginning of this year, there had been disturbing reports of journalists from The Post being singled out for harassment at government events.

"The newspaper's reporters have faced threats and beatings and have at times been banned from attending important public events," Dadge stated.

And Longwe stated in a press release that Kabwela should be commended for being a brave young woman who saw beyond the petty issue of a woman's nakedness. "Hurray for our hero Chansa Kabwela for standing up for women's rights! Hurray for this brave young woman who could see beyond the petty issue of a woman's nakedness," Longwe stated. "Hurray for her courage in using this shocking picture to illustrate the larger issue of government's shocking mistreatment of women! Hurray for this fearless female, who dared to confront our horrible leaders with the results of their blatant and horrific misrule."

Longwe described Kabwela as a latter day Julia Chikamoneka, who enraged the powerful by calmly speaking the truth.

"Hurray for this latter day Julia Chikamoneka, using women's nakedness to confront and shock our oppressors! Hurray for this young leader, who enrages the powerful by calmly speaking the truth," she stated. "But shame upon our evil government that leaves our mothers and newborn children to die naked in the street! Shame upon those who describe our tortured bodies as pornographic and obscene."

Longwe stated that more shame should be piled on the evil and thieving leaders who had stolen the money intended for midwives and maternity hospitals. "Shame upon a government that tries to hide the horror and suffering that it inflicts upon us women! Shame upon our evil and thieving leaders who have stolen the money intended for midwives and maternity hospitals," stated Longwe. "All rise to salute our marvelous and courageous Chansa, who stands in court to speak for the downtrodden women of Zambia! So all to the court on Wednesday August 5th, 2009 to salute this young woman who speaks for us."

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