
Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Kapoko questions probe team’s delays in arresting former health PS Miti

Kapoko questions probe team’s delays in arresting former health PS Miti
Written by Jane Mwakasungula
Wednesday, July 29, 2009 3:17:46 PM

FORMER human resource manager in the Ministry of Health Henry Kapoko has questioned the joint probe team investigating the alleged theft of over K10 billion at the health ministry why his former boss Dr Simon Miti has not been arrested yet over the scam.

Speaking from the holding cell at the Magistrates’ court, Kapoko said he had decided to break his silence despite the matter being before the courts because Dr Miti, the then controlling officer at the ministry when the theft was allegedly committed, was still a free man despite being implicated in the matter.

“I can assure you that none of us in here will be convicted if the proceedings continue the way they are because there is no corruption involved. Now, let us come to Miti. Why has it taken long for the joint investigations team to arrest him when there is overwhelming evidence that he is involved in corruption that had rocked the ministry during his tenure? When they arrested me, I carried along the whole ministry and I wonder why he has been left out?” Kapoko asked.

He said he was forced to speak out though the matter was before the court of law because of unfair coverage by some media institutions and questions that begged answers over the handling of the matter by the joint probe team.

This is in a matter where Kapoko is charged with one count of obtaining money by false pretences contrary to Section 309 of the Penal Code Chapter 87 of the Laws of Zambia.

Facts before the court are that Kapoko on an unknown date but between January 22, 2009 and February 28, 2009 in Lusaka whilst acting together with other persons unknown with intent to defraud did defraud the Ministry of Health of K1.9 billion by falsely pretending that he had ordered and shipped 50,000 mother-baby kits when in fact not.

He has since been granted an K800 million bail.

Dr Miti was earlier picked up for questioning over the Ministry of Health scam but was not charged. He later wrote a letter to President Rupiah Banda exonerating himself of the charges.

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