
Tuesday, July 28, 2009

(NEWZIMBABWE) Biti 'shaken' by bullet in mail

Biti 'shaken' by bullet in mail
by Staff Reporters
27/07/2009 00:00:00

ZIMBABWE’S Finance Minister Tendai Biti received a bullet in the post on Monday with chilling advice to “sort out his will”. Friends described him as “shaken up” by the terrifying parcel. Police launched a major investigation.

Biti, 42, became Finance Minister in February when Zimbabwe’s long-time ruler Robert Mugabe agreed to form a power sharing government with his opposition rivals, Morgan Tsvangirai and Arthur Mutambara. Biti is secretary general of the MDC formation led by Tsvangirai. The party said in a statement that it was treating the matter as a death threat.

“The terror-tactics of sending live bullets to cabinet ministers is a sure sign that the desperate forces fighting the new dispensation are getting more and more desperate every day,” the MDC said, adding that “the live bullet delivered at Biti’s home is a tragic climax to the barrage of defamatory vitriol spewed through the public media ever since the Minister of Finance delivered a pro-poor mid-term fiscal policy position …”

The bullet was received at Biti’s home in Highlands along with a letter advising him: “Raira nhaka” (Sort out your estate/will). The package appeared to have been dropped at the house than being sent through the post, said one MDC official.
Biti’s aide Nqobizitha Mlilo said the bullet was a 9mm caliber.

“He’s a bit low and shaken up as a result of this episode,” Mlilo said.

The MDC added: “As a party, we hope that there will be full investigation on this matter and we hope that the justice system will move with speed in getting to the root of this matter.

“Just as a barking dog will not stop a moving train, the childish, petty and puerile forces of darkness will not deter the MDC officials in the inclusive government from working tirelessly to save Zimbabwe. This country belongs to all of us.”

Acting President Joice Mujuru and Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai were informed of the development.

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