
Tuesday, July 21, 2009

(NEWZIMBABWE) ZAPU will contest Mat. by-elections

ZAPU will contest Mat. by-elections
by Lindie Whiz
21/07/2009 00:00:00

THE revived Zimbabwe African People’s Union (ZAPU) says it will contest three by-elections triggered by the expulsion of three MPs by the Arthur Mutambara-led MDC. The party said it considered the constituencies of Bulilima East in Matabeleland South and Nkayi South and Lupane East in Matabeleland North as its “traditional home ground”.

“ZAPU is excited by the prospect of a by-election for the House of Assembly for Nkayi South, Lupane East and Bulilima East. ZAPU is geared to enter the race in the three constituencies,” said the party’s director of communications Methuseli Moyo in a statement released on Tuesday.

The MDC announced on Monday it had expelled Nkayi South MP Abednico Bhebhe, Bulilima East legislator Norman Mpofu and Njabuliso Mguni of Lupane East after they were found guilty of misconduct.

The party said it had informed the Speaker of Parliament of its decision. When the Speaker informs the President, he may call a by-election.

Zanu PF and the other MDC formation led by Morgan Tsvangirai are barred from taking part in the by-elections by a power sharing agreement signed on September 15 last year. The deposed MPs can, however, contest as independents or members of other parties.

ZAPU completed a pull-out from a 1997 unity accord with President Robert Mugabe’s Zanu PF party at a congress in May.

Dumiso Dabengwa, a former cabinet minister, was voted as interim leader.
Should the party field candidates in the by-election, it will be its first major test of strength in a region where it enjoyed overwhelming support before the merger with Zanu PF.

Moyo said: “ZAPU calls on all its supporters who strayed into the two MDC formations and are finding life difficult there, and those who are still with Zanu PF, to come back home.

“The revival of the party has been accomplished. The upcoming by-elections will prove to all that ZAPU is back forever."

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