
Wednesday, July 08, 2009

(NYASATIMES) Malawi is my second home says Mugabe

Malawi is my second home says Mugabe
By Nyasa Times
Published: July 7, 2009

Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe who has developed strong political bonds with President Bingu wa Mutharika says Malawi is his second home.

“I have been associated with the leadership of Malawi for over 45 years and regard Malawi as a second home,” said Mugabe when he attended the 45th indepence celebrations from 70 years of British colonial rule.

Malawi has so far had three Heads of State: Dr Hastings Kamuzu Banda, Dr Bakili Muluzi and the incumbent Mutharika.

“I found it a great honour indeed to come and be present, it’s a great joy to join you and rejoice with you over this great day,” said Mugabe who said the struggle for self-rule in Malawi inspired the fight for freedom in Zimbabwe.

Malawi was under British colonial rule for 70 years. She became independent in 1964 and a republic two years later.

Mugabe said Malawi’s 45th anniversary reminded him of the road Zimbabwe travelled to freedom, drawing both support and inspiration from its neighbour.

He said this was the reason he felt compelled to attend the 45th independence celebrations despite a busy schedule.

“Historically, I feel it is an reincarnment of what happened here in 1964. I was then secretary-general of Zanu which had been formed a year before in 1963 and that party had been formed with the assistance of Dr Hastings Kamuzu Banda.

“I was here in 1964 when independence was celebrated and people were rejoicing a new dawn because they now owned Malawi,” said President Mugabe.

He said the first Land-Rover Zanu owned was donated to the party by Malawi and the late Dr Kamuzu Banda.

He added that Ghana’s founding president, the late Kwame Nkrumah helped facilitate the training of the liberation movement’s first guerillas to fight British colonial rule in Zimbabwe.

Zimbabwe leader said it was because of this fight for freedom that enabled all Africans to be ”masters of our own destiny”.

Mugabe also used the occassion to congratulate President Mutharika and the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) for winning May’s presidential and parliamentary elections.

Mugabe said the elections were free and fair as declared by Malawians themselves but warned against Western interference in African elections.

The Government of Malawi conferred President Mutharika with the Grand National Achievers Award while former president Dr Kamuzu Banda and a former member of his government Mama Cecilia Kadzamira, among other Malawians were honoured for their contribution to the growth and development of the country.

–Picture by Joseph Nyadzayo, Zimbabwe Guardian.

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