
Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Rupiah has a heart for all – Mswati

Rupiah has a heart for all – Mswati
Written by Christopher Miti in Mfuwe
Tuesday, July 21, 2009 6:27:06 PM

KING Mswati III of Swaziland has said President Rupiah Banda has a heart for all the people of Zambia. And President Banda and King Mswati issued a communiqué yesterday after their meeting where they underscored the desire to work closely in order to further develop the relations of the two countries.

Bidding farewell at the end of his three-day visit to Zambia at Mfuwe International Airport, King Mswati said he had enjoyed the hospitality accorded to him by President Banda and all the Zambians.

"I’m very happy to be here in Zambia. It's hard for us to say goodbye but nevertheless everything and every person we met has been very kind. His Excellency himself is a very kind person. He is the man that I see is very committed and all he talks about when I talk to him, I could see in his heart that he has all the people of Zambia in his heart. He is very close to them and I also learnt that the people of Zambia are very close to his Excellency and we wish all the people of Zambia a lot of support in everything they shall be doing," King Mswati said.

He commended President Banda and the Zambians for the land he had been given in Solwezi.

"I think when I get back home I will send a crew to come here to look at the area and see what kind of investment I can do, I thank you very much," King Mswati said.

He said he had seen the development in the wildlife sector and how much people had taken care of their heritage left by their ancestors.

"You have taken good care of the wildlife. It's important that our young people who grow up, they grow up knowing very well that 'this thing was given by God, this is our wildlife... and is not only to be shared by our people but even people coming afar'. Of course they can come here in Zambia to see these attractions and I want to see that even where we were we were taken around in the farm, the farm of which there is a lot of numbers of wildlife," King Mswati said. "We have enjoyed our stay there in the farm. We also have a great pleasure to dance with all of you. So now we have known how you dance here. We will be practicing in Swaziland the way you dance here."

King Mswati expressed gratitude at the hospitality extended to him and his delegation.

"Everywhere we went we were greeted by nothing but good hospitality friendship showing us the fact that although Africa may be vast but we are one people. We are all of us the same. The programme has allowed us to visit as much districts or provinces of this country. I have seen there is much activity going on, all the people are dedicated to building up the economy. That is good because you are supporting the policy of the government, the President who has a desire to see that your living standards become one of the best here in Zambia and of course he cannot do it without you all. So your support is very crucial in that area," he said. "I also want to say that it has been a great pleasure for us to have been here. We have learnt a lot of things. This morning we have just signed a joint cooperation agreement which will make our two countries to now work together to find areas of cooperation and trade between ourselves. You will be encouraging a lot of projects to come here to Zambia to see the opportunity, to see what things we can trade between our two countries and likewise Your Excellency we look forward for Zambians to come to Swaziland and see what kind of things we can do together. It can be in trade, it may be in exchange of culture, it may be in exchange of anything that we may think of."

King Mswati also extended an invitation to President Banda to visit Swaziland.

And President Banda commended Zambians for the wonderful reception given to the King and his entourage.

He commended Paramount chief Mpezeni of the Ngoni and all the chiefs who met King Mswati and the wonderful Ngoma dance that was performed at Chichele Lodge.

"I thank my party MMD for being the national party, what they are, that in the last election they proved that they are a party for everyone in this country because my candidature proved wherever I stood because I stood in all 150 constituencies. I was either number one or number two. We were seven of us, I was never number three in any constituency, Your Majesty. So I have to thank our people here for this wonderful reception," President Banda said.

He urged Zambians to be hardworking, saying the government would provide what was needed.

"Fertiliser is ready, we are providing this year. We know that Zambians are hardworking in agriculture so we want to thank you for the food that you grow so that we all remain in peace in our country. Fertiliser is already in the country, we are distributing it in time so that this season we should grow enough food for ourselves and some of it to sell to our neighbours," President Banda said.

And according to a communiqué issued at the end of King Mswati's three-day visit and read by finance minister Dr Situmbeko Musokotwane at Chimfule Lodge, President Banda and King Mswati had an opportunity to hold discussions on a number of issues of mutual interest.

"In reviewing the warm and cordial relations between the two countries, the leaders underscored the desire to work closely together in order to further develop these relations and bring them to higher levels of cooperation. In furthermore of the above, the two leaders agreed to revive the bilateral framework of the Joint Permanent Commission of Cooperation (JPC) at the earliest opportunity. This will make the two countries enjoy further mutual benefits from bilateral exchange and cooperation," Dr Musokotwane said.

He said the two leaders reaffirmed the SADC position on promoting peace, stability and economic integration.

Dr Musokotwane said the leaders also discussed the challenges facing the African continent and the SADC region in particular.

He said during the visit to Solwezi, King Mswati was bestowed with the Honour of Free Man of Solwezi and was given a piece of land as part of his immediate benefit.

Dr Musokotwane also said King Mswati extended an invitation to President Banda to visit the Kingdom of Swaziland at his earliest convenience.

The communiqué was signed by Dr Musokotwane and Swaziland's minister of foreign affairs and international cooperation Lutfo Dlamini.

Last Sunday, Mpezeni, chief Madzimawe, chief Maguya, chief Jumbe and chief Mnkhanya paid a courtesy call on President Banda and King Mswati at Chichele Presidential Lodge.

President Banda later went to Chipata and he is expected back in Lusaka today.

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