
Friday, July 31, 2009

(TALKZIMBABWE) The BBC and Colour Revolutions

COMMENT - TalkZimbabwe was so kind to print my response to the BBC's 'reintroduction to Zimbabwe' (did they ever leave?). I am sure we all want to know the answers to the following questions.

The BBC and Colour Revolutions
MrK - Opinion
Thu, 30 Jul 2009 19:08:00 +0000

DEAR EDITOR - This is a perfect time for the BBC to come clean, and admit their role in regime change operations in Zimbabwe.

This is a perfect time for the BBC to take stock and apologize for all the lies they told about Zimbabwe, the Sekai Holland story being among the most recent ones.

I also remember the BBC sending a reporter to Zimbabwe who strutted around a farm, and proclaimed (without ever interviewing any FREE Zimbabwean), that 'These people don't want land, they want jobs'.

This is a time for the BBC to explain why they never (EVER) reported on the Zimbabwe Democracy and Economic Recovery Act of 2001, except for a very brief blur when it was introduced back in 2001.

They can also clarify how and why they were 'banned', and what this ban entailed.

These are things that cannot be swept under the rug, and the BBC will not be able to move forward, let alone regain it's reputation, until it comes clean about the role it played in regime change efforts in Zimbabwe.

Who was in charge, what were the orders from up high, why were these type of reporters deployed against Zimbabwe?

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