Tuesday, July 07, 2009

(TALKZIMBABWE) Book Review: Nyaradzo Mtizira - The Chimurenga Protocol

Book Review: Nyaradzo Mtizira - The Chimurenga Protocol
Nancy Pasipanodya
Tue, 07 Jul 2009 10:12:00 +0000

THE Chimurenga Protocol is a factual historical narrative that traces the origins of the struggle for land in Zimbabwe as exemplified by the First, Second and Third Chimurengas. The narrative highlights key events in the history of Zimbabwe.

It begins with the initial racist-inspired arrival of the Pioneer Column on Zimbabwean soil in 1890 under the auspices of the British South Africa Company to the heroic passage of the Land Acquisition Act of 2001 that unequivocally restored both land and dignity to the indigenous Zimbabwean citizen.

Throughout the narrative, great emphasis is placed on the relentless treachery of the former colonial power, Britain, in its relationship with Zimbabwe.

The Chimurenga Protocol is a gripping narrative that is a searing indictment of colonialism and its dark practitioners in post-colonial Zimbabwe.

It will set the reader thinking about the importance of sovereignty and the true reasons behind the imposition of illegal country-specific Western sanctions on Zimbabwe.

Ultimately, the book relates the victory of Zimbabwe’s visionary leadership over the decaying forces of imperialism as represented by Whitehall and Washington.

About The Author

Mtizira has written four books on HIV and AIDS His two fictional books deal with the subjects of stigma, the importance of voluntary testing and the need for behavioral change.

‘Lethal Virus’ is about a young man whose risky lifestyle leads to him contracting the disease, while the second book, ‘A Deadly Twist of Fate’ concerns an innocent young girl who receives a tainted blood transfusion and contracts the disease through no fault of her own.

The two non-fiction reference books centre around the core aspects of HIV and AIDS, as well as human reproductive biology, with the aim to provide relevant life-skills information and AIDS awareness in schools.

Forthcoming books by Nyaradzo Mtizira include The Ebola Conspiracy

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