Tuesday, July 07, 2009

(TALKZIMBABWE) MDC-T needs to restrategise

MDC-T needs to restrategise
Felix Nyathi -- Opinion
Tue, 07 Jul 2009 00:56:00 +0000

DEAR EDITOR - Last week we read on various online sources that the Movement for Democratic Change party led by Prime Minister Morgfan Tsvangirai was going to hold a two-day strategic meeting starting Friday.

As a member of the MDC-T party here in the Diaspora, I think there is also a need for such a meeting.

The party here in the UK needs some direction. The leadership now seems bent on just producing endless documents that do not contribute anything to the efforts that are being made back home.

With all the negative press the party has been getting in the press, I think these meetings are important. Many politicians in the party are failing to speak with one voice. We don't know who to believe anymore on a variety of stories.

The confusion created in the media recently regarding the stories of Dr Chihombori, whose identity up to this day is suspect, the Chinese loan, and many others, will only destroy the MDC-T party.

It would be a good idea for us to have information on how the "strategic meeting" went on.



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