
Wednesday, July 15, 2009

(TALKZIMBABWE) Obama's promises to Africa unrealistic

Obama's promises to Africa unrealistic
Concerned - Opinion
Wed, 15 Jul 2009 02:10:00 +0000

DEAR EDITOR - United States President Barack Obama will not fool Africans. He recently said that the US was ready to help African countriues come out of their problems.

We have heard this kind of cheap talk from almost all US Presidents, but Obama's rhetoric comes at a very challenging time for the US and many of us do not believe an inch what he says.

Where is Obama going to get the money to invest in Africa given the economic woes of the US?

The US deficit has shot up to $1 trillion dollars and is expected to rise to $2 trillion dollars.

The costly wars in Afghanistan and Iraq are having an impact and tax revenues are plummeting.

Unemployment rate is the US has shot up to 9.5%.

China and other lenders to the US are getting nervous about this escalating deficit.

Interests rates are likely to be raised very high and pressure will be put on the US dollar. See this link: 'US Deficit Tops 1 Trillion Dollars'

Obama and the global corporatists are on the prowl to get their hands on African resources cheaply in order to shore up their crumbling empire.

Obama was in Ghana primarily for the new found oil reserves in that country. Only gullible Africans believe that he went there to reward Ghana for its so called good governance and democratic credentials.

Africans need to rise above this 'nonsense' that whatever they do can only be legitimate if its endorsed by the West. The West does not have all the answers.

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