
Thursday, July 02, 2009

(TALKZIMBABWE) VP Mujuru, British minister in sanctions discussion

VP Mujuru, British minister in sanctions discussion
Samantha Chidzero
Wed, 01 Jul 2009 22:48:00 +0000

VICE-PRESIDENT Joice Mujuru last week met with a British minister and discussed moves to normalise relations between the two countries.

VP Mujuru had a closed door meeting with Britain's Africa Minister, Lord Mark Malloch Brown in New York on the sidelines of a United Nations meeting on the global financial and economic crisis.

Lord Malloch Brown had met with Foreign Minister Simbarashe Mumbengegwi two weeks before the New York meeting.

Government sources say VP Mujuru reiterated the need to lift illegal sanctions against Zimbabwe and re-engage diplomatically with Zimbabwe's former coloniser.

"She (VP Mujuru) was unequivocal in her call for the lifting of sanctions against Zimbabwe and re-engaging with Britain and the EU," said our source.

"The meeting was very respectful and cordial and the vice president expressed hope that Britain will review its policy towards Zimbabwe."

"Malloch Brown backed VP Mujuru's plea for a 'financial stimulus package' for Zimbabwe's economy, and said Britain will review its policy against benchmarks agreed upon by the EU bloc.".

In a recent interview on 5 Live, Lord Malloch Brown confirmed the meeting took place.

"I met with Robert Mugabe’s Vice President last week in New York, met with his Foreign Minister in South Africa a week or two before that," said Lord Malloch Brown.

"So we’re really trying to increase the tempo of contact," he added. "If this Government really can do the reforms it’s promised to do and can secure the reconciliation that it’s committed to, then the amount of support from the UK, Europe and the US will grow to reflect that."

Britain and Zimbabwe have had no diplomatic engagement for the better part of the last 10 years.

President Mugabe blames the former colony for the economic and political problems in the country. Britain says the Zimbabwe government of President Mugabe is responsible for the problems bedevelling the country.

Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai completed a state tour of the EU and US in which he sought to re-engage Western governments in an effort to normalise relations with Zimbabwe.

The PM was expected to call for the lifting of sanctions against Zimbabwe, but his trip fell short of that call.

President Robert Mugabe and Lord Malloch Brown are currently attending the 13th Session of the African Union summit in Sirte, Libya. It is not clear whether the two will have any direct contact during the three day summit which ends on Friday.

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