
Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Chiluba gets back his passport

Chiluba gets back his passport
Written by Maluba Jere
Wednesday, August 26, 2009 5:12:58

LUSAKA magistrate senior clerk of court has released former president Frederick Chiluba’s passport following his acquittal on all six counts of embezzling public funds amounting to US $500,000.

In an interview yesterday, Chiluba through his press aide Emmanuel Mwamba said the passport had been released and handed to his lawyers Simeza Sangwa and Associates. Mwamba said the court had also issued a certificate of acquittal to Chiluba.

Ndola High Court registrar Jones Chinyama last week acquitted Chiluba of allegedly embezzling public funds.

However, the state has filed a notice of appeal in the matter.

A check in the criminal registry at the magistrates’ court revealed that the state had filed a notice of appeal to a higher court.

In another matter, Ministry of Health former human resources manager Henry Kapoko has finally been released on bail.

Kapoko was released on Monday afternoon after meeting all the bail conditions set by the magistrates’ court.

Kapoko has also been allowed to have access to his bank accounts.

The court earlier ruled that Kapoko could only have access to his bank accounts once a month.

The banks where Kapoko is believed to be an account holder are Zambia National Commercial Bank, Standard Chartered Bank and Finance Bank.

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