
Sunday, August 16, 2009

Continued intimidation of journalists worries RSF

Continued intimidation of journalists worries RSF
Written by Chibaula Silwamba
Sunday, August 16, 2009 4:02:39 PM

FRANCE-based Reporters Without Borders (RSF) has expressed dismay at the continued intimidation and violence against journalists in Zambia.

In a media statement issued in Paris, France on Friday, Reporters Without Borders denounced the recent intrusion into Radio Sky FM studio and newsroom by a stranger and death threats on Monitor and Digest reporter, Roy Habaalu.

“Such behaviour is unacceptable,” Reporters Without Borders stated. “The constant death threats against independent journalists and attempts to intimidate them must stop. We urge the authorities to take whatever measures are necessary to protect journalists and allow them to do their work.”

Reporters Without Borders stated that Habaalu received a threatening call on July 31, 2009 following the publication of his story about corruption at Western Province administration.

“The anonymous caller advised him to leave the region if he wanted to stay alive. That night, Habaalu heard a loud hammering on his door just after he went to bed. When he looked out, he saw six masked men with knives and steel bars banging on the door and shouting that he should leave the country before he was killed,” Reporters Without Borders stated.”Habaalu told Reporters Without Borders he believed his assailants worked for who had been verbally aggressive towards him during an interview four days before the incident.”

It stated that in the latest incident, a supporter of President Rupiah Banda burst into the studios of radio Sky FM in Monze at night on August 10, 2009 and began smashing the computers and broadcast equipment in the editorial office and three journalists present were so alarmed by his behaviour that they fled.

Last week, police arrested a man identified as Musenge Chibwili, who invaded Sky FM in Monze and forcibly taking over control of operations.

Chibwili denounced the MMD government and President Banda for failing to shut down media institutions in Zambia like Sky FM and The Post, which he claimed insult the head of state.

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