
Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Govt addressing EU’s concerns over Zambian airlines – Lungwangwa

Govt addressing EU’s concerns over Zambian airlines – Lungwangwa
Written by Nchima Nchito Jr
Wednesday, August 12, 2009 7:37:41 PM

COMMUNICATIONS minister Professor Geoffrey Lungwangwa has said the government is addressing the concerns raised by the European Commission regarding its safety concerns over Zambian registered airlines. Prof Lungwangwa yesterday refuted reports that Zambian registered airlines have been banned from flying into Europe.

He explained that International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) audited Zambia in January and April 2009 to check the establishment and implementation of the safety oversight systems in the country.

He said areas covered by the audit included oversight establishment covering legislation, regulations, organisation structure, technical qualifications, training and technical tool guidance and materials among others.

“The findings of the comprehensive audit have been communicated to the government through the Department of Civil Aviation to redress the concerns. The measures range from short, medium to long term and these are being incorporated in the budget estimates for 2010 and future budgets,” said Prof Lungwangwa.

“To this effect Zambia has not received a ban from ICAO which carried out the audit. The government has, however, noted the concerns raised by the European Commission with whom we have been communicating. In the short term, government is addressing the need for sufficient technical staff and the continuous updating of the regulations and training of staff. In the interim period government is identifying technical personnel to increase the numbers while the training of staff and updating of regulations is on going.”

Recently the European Commission announced the banning and blacklisting with immediate effect all Zambian registered airlines from flying into Europe, citing safety concerns and advised all its nationals within Zambia to stop using the airlines in question.

Announcing the development in Brussels, European Commission vice-president Antanio Tajani stated that the commission had added two additional countries, Zambia and Kazakhstan, to a list of airlines banned from flying into Europe.

“We cannot afford any compromises in air safety. We have to remain vigilant since citizens have the right to fly safely everywhere in the world and we will not accept that airlines fly at different standards when they operate inside and outside Europe,” stated Tajani.

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