
Saturday, August 08, 2009

(HERALD) GMB to pay farmers with inputs

GMB to pay farmers with inputs
Agriculture Reporter

The Grain Marketing Board has resorted to offering inputs as part-payment to farmers who delivered their maize to the parastatal’s depots. Farmers can get fertilizers and chemicals instead of cash for grain delivered to the parastal’s depots countrywide.

This comes as relief to some farmers who were failing to purchase inputs for the forthcoming summer cropping season, as they had no cash to support their operations, while others were still waiting for their money from the parastatal.

GMB public relations officer Mr Joseph Katete said the parastatal was selling fertilizer at US$31 per 50kg bag and had several chemicals, herbicides and pesticides in stock.

"As efforts of GMB to support the farmers throughout their activities, we are offering fertilizers — compound D and ammonium nitrate — and chemicals like Shavit, Dual/metalchlor, Alachlor, Lasso, Altrazine, Landa and Karate at depots countrywide.

"We do not have maize seed at the moment, but farmers will get any amount of inputs they require for their money and this is being done with the farmers’ consent," Mr Katete said.

Meanwhile, the GMB has said it had mobilised funds to pay farmers for grain deliveries made between April and June 19 this year, but was still waiting for the disbursements.

The parastatal secures funds for buying grain from the private sector through the Government.

In a recent statement, the company said all outstanding payments would be made at US$265 per tonne and farmers would be advised on the dates when they would get their money.

This year, GMB is competing with other buyers to purchase grain from farmers and is among those offering high prices.

The majority of the buyers are offering prices ranging from US$100 to US$180 per tonne, resulting in some farmers holding on to their grain in anticipation of better prices.

Grain deliveries that had declined at the GMB depots are expected to start picking up as most farmers complete harvesting and as soon as the company starts the second phase of payments to farmers.

Normally, the maize intake period reaches its peak at the end of July up to the end of September.

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