
Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Letters - Rebounding copper prices

Rebounding copper prices
Written by Lewis

The rebound of copper prices has exposed our goverment’s lack of foresight and failure to understand economic issues.

Everyone knew that the world's biggest economies were not or are not going to be in a recession forever. Before most of the economies fully recover, we are seeing life coming back into the copper industry.

It is betrayal of the trust that people have in you to think of removing windfall taxes. It must be understood that copper is every Zambian’s heritage thus it must be handled with the care it deserves.

The investors seem to command more respect from the government than the poor people out there. The resources that we have are meant for the development of our country thus should be managed accordingly.

The question is: what should be done? Are we getting a fair share from copper in the light of current increase in copper prices? I’m waiting for the goverment to issue a statement on the matter.

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