
Tuesday, August 25, 2009

MMD has outlived its usefulness - Gen Masheke

MMD has outlived its usefulness - Gen Masheke
Written by George Zulu in Monze
Tuesday, August 25, 2009 3:33:25 PM

UNIP Revival Forum chairperson General Malimba Masheke has said MMD has outlived it usefulness. In an interview in Monze on Sunday, Gen Masheke said the MMD had done a lot of damage in the past 18 years.

"There has been a lot of damage MMD has done to this country in its 18-year rule and it has been disastrous. The combination of MMD leadership has not been inspiring to the people of Zambia. It has failed to give hope to the people. Good leadership must think about the people, build schools, clinics, roads and improve the welfare of the people. MMD has outlived its usefulness and it will remove itself one day. The composition of the MMD has never been cherished. It is too much individualistic," he said.

Gen Masheke said Zambia had lost everything at the hands of MMD and the little which remained has been given to foreigners.

He said there was no country world over which left its wealth to the hands of foreigners.

Gen Masheke said that the government of Zambia should have had a hand in its economical activities by keeping some strategic industries such as the mines.

He said depending on foreigners to run the economy of the country was detrimental to the development of the nation.

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