
Thursday, August 27, 2009

Mulongoti rebukes Mufumbwe DC over falling ceiling

Mulongoti rebukes Mufumbwe DC over falling ceiling
Written by Ernest Chanda in Mwinilunga
Thursday, August 27, 2009 4:03:52 AM

WORKS and supply minister Mike Mulongoti has rebuked Mufumbwe district commissioner Robert Muyutu over a dilapidated ceiling board in his office. Mulongoti, who is on a road inspection programme in the North Western Province, went to Muyutu’s office on Monday to pay a courtesy call.

Just after reporters had finished asking questions, Mulongoti who had earlier on given a speech, decided to make an observation over the state of the district commissioner’s office.

“If the journalists have no further questions, let me make an observation Mr DC [district commissioner]. I’m in charge of infrastructure development in this country and I’ve seen the bad state in which your office is (pointing to the ceiling board which was almost falling off and had several marks left by rain). This is not good for a government office anywhere in the country. You do not need a lot of money to repair this,” Mulongoti said. “It can maybe take you just about K35 000 to repair this ceiling board. Don’t talk about money, you can never have enough. This office is your place of authority and you can’t leave it in a dilapidated state...”

Earlier in the day, Mulongoti called on local people to protect road infrastructure built for them.

This was after Gauff Consulting Engineers deputy resident engineer Kamara Mohamed complained that some residents were vandalising road traffic signs.

Gauff Consulting Engineers is a consultancy firm for Belga Construction and Trading Limited which has been contracted by government to tar the 225.5 kilometer stretch from Kasempa turn off through Mufumbwe to Kabompo.

And earlier, Mohamed bemoaned poor funding from the government towards the project.

And in Mwinilunga, chief Nyakaseya of the Lunda people on Tuesday cautioned Mulongoti against giving road contracts to foreigners who did not respect the country’s labour laws.

Receiving Mulongoti who had gone to the palace on a courtesy call, chief Nyakaseya complained that there were increasing numbers of investors abusing the Zambian workforce.

And earlier when Mulongoti paid a courtesy call on chieftainess Ikelenge, she warned that her subjects were bound to shift their political support from the ruling party if they did not see any meaningful development in their area.

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