
Saturday, August 15, 2009

(NEWZIMBABWE) MDC must seek end to sanctions: Zanu PF

MDC must seek end to sanctions: Zanu PF
by MacDonald Dzirutwe
15/08/2009 00:00:00

ZANU PF demanded on Friday that Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai's MDC party seek the removal of Western sanctions on Zimbabwe.

"The MDC, which urged its international supporters to impose the illegal sanctions, has the sole responsibility to ensure that its international supporters remove the sanctions forthwith," Zanu PF deputy secretary for information Ephraim Masawi told journalists.

He added: "It is now six months since the formation of the inclusive government and Zanu PF leaders as well as their families are still inhibited to visit Europe, United States of America, as indeed in respect of their children to go to school in these countries.

"This does not apply to any member of the MDC-T and MDC-M who are free to roam the world while the country as well as those regarded as sympathetic to Zanu PF, continue to be subjected to a regime of brutal illegal sanctions.

"The implementation of the GPA cannot be a one-sided affair. Therefore, the Zanu PF politburo calls on the First Secretary and President of Zanu PF (Robert Mugabe) to resist any pressure intended to prejudice the party in a manner that is contrary to the GPA and the Constitution of Zimbabwe."

Masawi said Zanu PF had delivered its part of a "Global Political Agreement" which paved the way to the power-sharing government, but Tsvangirai's party earlier raised objections to some recent appointments.

Tsvangirai's MDC wants the appointment of the central bank governor, the attorney general and 10 provincial governors to be reviewed and has referred the issue to the regional Southern African Development Community grouping for mediation.

"The outstanding issues have been the Achilles Heel of the inclusive government," the MDC said, referring to the appointments and expressing its frustration with the pace of reforms.

A September political agreement between Mugabe, Tsvangirai and a leader of an MDC faction says appointment of all senior government officials should be agreed among the three leaders.

The unity government has functioned better than many observers believed possible, but friction points remain.
Zimbabwe faces an uphill battle to raise $8.3 billion for reconstruction. Direct financial support from Western donors remain elusive despite the best efforts of Tsvangirai, highly regarded in the West for standing up to Mugabe. - Reuters

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