
Friday, August 28, 2009

(NYASATIMES) Private firm awarded water, sanitation project for two Malawian cities

Private firm awarded water, sanitation project for two Malawian cities
By Nyasa Times
Published: August 27, 2009

The Malawi government, in conjunction with the European Union (EU), has awarded Netherlands-based firm Vitens-Evides International a five-year contract for the implementation of a periurban water and sanitation project in Lilongwe and Blantyre.

The EU has provided a total of €31-million in the form of a loan and a grant for the project, aimed at rehabilitating the ageing water supply infrastructure in the two cities.

Vitens-Evides will, besides other things, implement a technical operation efficiency improvement programme, a financial and commercial efficiency improvement programme, an investment programme, and a programme to ensure water supply to low-income areas in the two cities in close cooperation with nongovernmental organisations.

The periurban water and sanitation project is part of the second phase of the multimillion-dollar national water development programme, which is financed by, besides the EU, the World Bank, the government of the Netherlands, the United Nations Children’s Fund, the African Development Bank and the Canadian International Development Association.

Other financiers are the United Nations Development Programme, Water Aid, the UK’s Department for International Development, the Japanese International Cooperation Agency and the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries Fund for International Development

The programme has so far attracted about $300-million in funding..–Creamer Media’s Engineering News

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