Monday, August 10, 2009

Plough back, UPND urges investors in N/Western

Plough back, UPND urges investors in N/Western
Written by Zumani Katasefa in Solwezi East
Monday, August 10, 2009 2:11:57 AM

UPND vice-president Richard Kapita has urged foreign investors operating in North Western Province to plough back part of their profits to the community for the sustained development of the region.

Speaking at a campaign rally to drum up support for UPND candidate Rabson Laishi in preparation for this Thursday's ward by-election, Kapita said it was sad that the province had continued to lag behind in development despite having plenty of natural resources such as copper and cobalt.

He said the road network in the region was in a pathetic state yet the investors were using the same roads to transport copper but no attention was paid to maintain them.

Kapita also said that the MMD government was misusing public funds when some children had no access to proper education and medication care. He said it was sad that the MMD government under President Rupiah Banda did not care about the people of Zambia.

Speaking at the same rally, North Western Province Patriotic Front (PF) chairman Denis Kanyakula said it was sad for the MMD government to rush into procuring mobile hospitals instead of just creating permanent structures for Zambians.

He also said that the PF in the province would tirelessly work together with their counterparts in the UPND and ensure that the MMD government was removed out of power.

And UPND Copperbelt Province chairman Elisha Matambo said the MMD government had been rejected in North Western Province.

Matambo said President Banda's government had failed to provide good governance to Zambians.

Matambo accused the MMD of practicing violence in the run up to this Thursday ward by-election in Kangwena and voting buying.

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