
Sunday, August 02, 2009

Sata’s eyes scare children – Rupiah

Sata’s eyes scare children – Rupiah
Written by Bivan Saluseki in Chitambo
Monday, August 03, 2009 12:19:32 AM

PRESIDENT Rupiah Banda yesterday said PF leader Michael Sata’s big red eyes scare children and that is why they prefer to attend his rallies and not Sata’s. And President Banda bragged that the opposition will never be able to impeach him because they do not have the majority in Parliament.

Drumming support for the MMD candidate in the Chitambo by-election, Dr Solomon Musonda, at Gibson Basic School in Chitambo, President Banda said Sata was a desperate man who had resorted to insulting him just to get to State House.

President Banda said Sata was always making fun of him in his favourite newspaper about children attending his rallies He said children should not be scared of a leader but instead get an inspiration and admiration.

“Children should not be afraid of you…not with your big red eyes,” President Banda said.

He said where he comes from, people like Sata could be used to scare children who were naughty.

“Even if the child is crying, he will stop,” President Banda said.

He said leaders should have dignity towards each other.

“Not calling your friends ‘iwe’, that is what Mr Sata does. We do not want leaders who glorify arrogance,” he said.

President Banda said even former presidents Chiluba and Mwanawasa did not pick Sata as their vice-president because they knew what kind of man he was.

He said Chiluba did not choose Sata, but instead looked for a humble and dedicated man in the late president Levy Mwanawasa.

President Banda said Sata stood for elections three times and failed and now they had made a pact hoping they would get to State House. He asked the people of Chitambo not to worry about the pact between Hakainde Hichilema and Sata.

He said the duo had been wanting to go to State House and had made several attempts but failed whilst he made one attempt and succeeded.

“This Hichilema is a loser, failure twice as young as he is. He stood twice and failed,” President Banda said.

President Banda said the problem with the pact was that each one of them wanted to go to State House. He said even during the forthcoming election, both of them will stand at the same time, unless they can change their names to HakaSata.

“That is why they are so desperate to insult me on a daily basis,” he said.

President Banda said he was not bothered by the insults because Sata had done nothing for the country. He said he fought for independence from as young as 17.

“Where was Mr Sata then?” he asked.

And President Banda said the PF/UPND pact would not be able to impeach him because MMD had a majority of members in parliament. He said PF had 22, UPND 22, while the MMD had over 80 members of parliament.

“So where are they going to start from? They have no powers. They are just making noise,” said President Banda.

At the same rally, seven chiefs openly campaigned for MMD’s Musonda. The chiefs, who were introduced at the rally by chief Chitambo, urged their subjects to vote for the MMD candidate.

Chief Chitambo said he had never voted for the opposition in the last 20 years. He said people would not have a future if they threw their votes in the ‘bwato’.

He said the chiefs were not playing politics but merely wanted to see peace in their areas. Chief Chitambo said that peace could only be guaranteed by the MMD.

Chieftainess Serenje said people should not change by voting for the opposition.

“Even if we were hurriedly brought here, we are not hungry, we are happy that he (President Banda) is here,” said chieftainess Serenje.

The chiefs had earlier privately met President Banda at Gibson Basic School after they were ferried to the boma the day before yesterday.

President Banda thanked the chiefs for attending the rally, as representatives of the people. He said it would not be surprising to see today’s Post newspaper saying that chiefs were interfering in politics.

President Banda said chiefs were only stakeholders in the running of the country and no one should scare them.

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