
Friday, August 07, 2009

Shikapwasha accuses The Post of fabricating stories, insulting President

Shikapwasha accuses The Post of fabricating stories, insulting President
Written by Joseph Mwenda
Friday, August 07, 2009 2:53:41 PM

CHIEF Government Spokesperson Ronny Shikapwasha this morning lashed-out at The Post accusing the newspaper of fabricating stories and inciting violence in the country.Delivering a speech in Parliament this morning, Shikapwasha who is also Minister of Information and Broadcasting also charged that the Churches in Zambia were siding with men instead of God.

“Mr. Speaker this is the newspaper which has continued insulting the president on a daily basis… Just recently the Post carried the story with a headline “Zambia’s envoy to South Africa, Zuma’s office have no knowledge of Banda’s trip. Zuma not aware of RB’s Visit.”

“Mr. Speaker before that article was published, the president was already having a president to president talk with Jacob Zuma.”

Mr. Speaker I don’t know why The Post did not call me, I am the minister of Information. I have given my phone number to The Post, not only that I have given my private number to The Post, not only that, the minister of foreign affairs has given the number to The Post. But they went ahead and fabricated a story without even calling the high commissioner to South Africa Mr. (Leslie) Mbula.”

“Mr. Speaker it is the radio stations that started the genocide in Rwanda where 25 journalists were arrested… The media is causing agitation in the country,” he said.

Shikapwasha also said the Church had failed to remain neutral on such matter but had instead taken sides with men.

“Mr. Speaker I will be failing in my duties if I end without mentioning that the Church in Zambia has taken sides with the media.., the Church has taken sides with men other than with God.”

“Mr. Speaker where is the Church when a newspaper is insulting the President. The Church must learn from the genocide in Rwanda.”

My appeal to the Church is, seek thee first the kingdom of God and Zambia shall be saved.”

But Post Reporter Chibaula Silwamba, has produced a recording of his interviews with the Zambia’s High Commisioner Leslie Mbula and Zuma’s spokesperson.

“Maybe the Minister (Shikapwasha) did not read the full story, but we have a recording of those interviews which we will give to Mr. Shikapwasha if asked to. I do not understand what he means by ‘fabricating’ stories,” said Chibaula.

“And Vice President George Kunda commended the Times of Zambia and Zambia Daily mail for what he described as upholding media ethics.

“The Times and Daily are doing very well, their ethical standards are very high. When you go to them to respond to these insults, they will not allow it. That is why we will maintain them as a parastatal because they are doing very well,” he said.

Journalists will this afternoon be protesting against the continued beatings and harassment of reporters by MMD supporters.

Full story coming up…

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