
Thursday, August 06, 2009

Solidarity with Chansa

Solidarity with Chansa
Written by Editor

Support from friends, from one’s people is something which is a source of tremendous inspiration always and to everyone. We were greatly moved by the support of friends, the many Zambian people who turned up to give support to our news editor, Chansa Kabwela, at the court hearing yesterday. We never expected so many people, so many friends to come to court and spend the whole morning with us.

This is not a small thing in a country where it is so difficult to earn a living; it costs a lot of money to come to court in terms of transport and opportunity cost. We have no right to be ungrateful to our friends and our fellow citizens who showed up at court yesterday and those who may come to court today for the same reason.

Solidarity is a basic fact of human existence. No person is an island, cut off from others and self-sufficient. This reminds us of that African proverb: “I am because we are, and we are because I am.” It is also a reminder to us that it is not hatred alone which is contrary to the laws of charity but also indifference to the welfare, the plight of our neighbour.

Therefore, after yesterday’s incredible demonstration of support for our work, for Chansa’s efforts – incredible for its magnitude, discipline and spirit of devotion – which demonstrates that our people are a sensitive, grateful people who know how to honour and support the brave who get victimised in their service, that our people recognise those who serve them; which demonstrates their solidarity with Chansa and our newspaper – today, in these difficult times, we lift our spirits and, with optimism in the future and pledge never to let our people down.

Recalling the past 18 years, we believe we have worked with sufficient integrity and dedication to try and advance our democracy and ensure that our country is governed in a manner that improves our people’s living conditions.

This is why yesterday many people from all walks of life came to court to give Chansa support. Many of our people, from different persuasions or walks of life, recognised Chansa’s virtues in what she did, in bringing to the attention of the authorities the plight of that woman and that baby who died in birth. Only in an exceptional case, among many viewpoints expressed, does the vulgar opinion of some scoundrel crop up.

We sincerely believe and hold the opinion that the duty of telling the truth stands above all considerations of convenience – and that has been our attitude. And Chansa will walk in that court over the whole trying period to make good that faith, to demonstrate the justice in that faith in the absolute honesty of our newspaper. No matter how bitter, how painful the circumstances, we cannot waiver in fulfilling this duty. We are prepared for whatever comes about, for all vicissitudes, including setbacks without becoming discouraged. We say this with great conviction because we believe in the value of moral principles, the value of example. To us, the conduct of a human being is very important. Basing ourselves on the truth and recognition of the truth, and turning this into invisible strength, we are determined to go forward, firmer than ever.

Chansa is in that court defending no other interest, no other cause than the cause of the suffering women, children of our country. Chansa was arrested for defending no other cause than the cause of the poor and the humble of this country. And the courageous, intelligent, exemplary and selfless manner with which she advanced that cause cannot be disputed even by the most bitter enemies of our newspaper.

Before history, people who acted as she did, people who do and give everything for the cause of the poor, grow in stature with each passing day and find a deeper place in the heart of the peoples with each passing day. Chansa’s enemies, our enemies are beginning to see this, and it will not be long before it will be proved that her arrest and prosecution will, in the long run, be like a seed that will give rise to many citizens determined to imitate her, many people determined to follow her example.

With warmth, we thank all our friends, all our people for their support. Those who are not afraid to be seen openly supporting The Post and Chansa, those who are not afraid to go to court, those who do not need Rupiah Banda’s permission to come near us, to be seen with us, those not ignorant of the unchallengeable right every human collectivity has to build a just future, those who – whether or not they share our viewpoints – know there is no possible alternative to mutual respect, friendship, support, solidarity, collaboration, enjoy all our consideration and our respect.

The highest level of political thought was reached when some people became aware that no people and no human being had the right to abuse others, and that the fruits of all the efforts and intelligence of each human being should reach all others; that a human being really had no need to be a wolf, but could be a brother or sister to another human being. That is the main essence of the premises of the solidarity we are today welcoming and thanking our friends and our people for. We greet all those who have arrived at these stimulating convictions and we also greet those who, although they do not share these ideas, are honest human beings in whatever they do, because consistently practised, honesty is a road that leads a human being’s mind and will to more just, fair and humane ideals; for if someone once said that all roads led to Rome, today it can be stated that all roads of honest thinking lead to justice, fairness and humaneness.

If there is something left to say today, it’s that despite our problems; despite the intensification of Rupiah’s hatred, malice, lies and persecutions against us – as we see our friends, our people respond, as we see more and more possibilities open up, we feel confident, we feel optimistic, and we are absolutely convinced that we will do everything we set our minds to!

We will do it with our friends, with the people, with the masses; we will do it with principles, pride, and honour of each and every one of our reporters, journalists, editors, staff. And we can confidently say that whereas there are people without dignity, there are many people in our country who carry inside them the dignity of many people! We might add that there are people who carry inside them the dignity of our country, and one of those is Chansa! And the support and solidarity that she is getting from all of you is well placed and will never be betrayed.

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