
Tuesday, August 11, 2009

(TALKZIMABWE) President Mugabe will pass the baton

President Mugabe will pass the baton
Tendayi Nyadire - Opinion
Mon, 10 Aug 2009 23:59:00 +0000

DEAR EDITOR - The Lord has blessed President Robert Mugabe with many years. Indeed he has a mission to accomplish. Those who have secretly and openly wished for his death should be cursing silently as each day passes and the man has all his faculties intact.

The so-called champions of democracy the world over are at the forefront of blaming the Zanu PF party for endorsing the leadeship of President Mugabe. This is what Zanu PF wants and any other party in Zimbabwe has the right to choose a leader of their choice to contest President Mugabe at the next general election.

Dr Simba Makoni could not stand the heat. He left and formed a party which seems to have disappeared before it appeared.

The two MDC parties have failed to outclass the liberation movement because they do not have a clear ideology. Politics needs some solid ground to stand on, not some fly-by ideas that can never stand the test of time.

The Land Question still remains a crucial question in Zimbabwean politics. It is still a crucial question in South Africa and President Jacob Zuma is holding a hot potato right now.

Land claims in Uganda, Kenya and many other parts of Africa are as alive today as they were in colonial times. Those who want President Mugabe to go are concerned and afraid that he is setting a precedent for self-determinations and control of the means of production by blacks and previously enslaved peoples elsewhere.

Let it be known that President Mugabe's ouster will not alter anything. Zimbabweans will fight tooth and nail for their land, and the control of their wealth.

The death of Yasser Arafat, (Lord bless his soul) did not alter the direction of the struggle in the Arab lands. Infact the demand for land intensified. Palestinians are still fighting for their land today.

Let those who think that the departure of President Mugabe will alter our claims to our ancestral lands be warned: "We will not watch decades of the liberation struggle go to waste. We will defend our right to self-determination and the control of our means of production."

Tendayi Nyadire

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