
Wednesday, August 05, 2009

(TALKZIMBABWE) Ambassadors leading onslaught on Zimbabwe

Ambassadors leading onslaught on Zimbabwe
Danai Mapuranga - Opinion
Tue, 04 Aug 2009 18:56:00 +0000

HOW does one hold a constructive argument with a bully? You cannot hold an intelligent conversation with a bully; your options are limited to running, getting a bruising or facing the bully head-on knowing that it is insecurity that drives this vile person and by confronting them you are working on their greatest fear and thus defeating them.

The bullying tactics of the United States Government across the globe have been well chronicled by persons from different backgrounds, many of those who have written about these abuses have been on the receiving end of immense brutal on slaughter by a nation that claims to be the greatest democracy on earth.

There are few Washington insiders who have been ravaged by their consciences and have come out and revealed the evil things that the US has done under the guise of promoting democracy when it fact it was pursing interests of a group of men and women whose sole purpose it to preserve a capitalistic system that robs the many to fill the coffers of a few.

The United States has committed these and many more crimes against the people of Zimbabwe.

Through illegal sanctions it has denied the people of Zimbabwe access to funds that ensure a smooth running country. Zimbabwe a country that was the breadbasket of Southern Africa has been reduced to a former shell of its self.

The devastating economic decline of the past decade has not only created poverty but has destroyed educational and health systems in Zimbabwe. Zimbabwe has produced a generation of semi-literate children many of whom have been raised by grandparents as their parents have been forced to seek greener pastures.

The psychological effects of growing up in such unnatural conditions are long term and unfortunately stand a chance of being passed on to the next generation.

Indigenous farmers have been denied access to markets abroad as businesses have been threatened with punitive measures for buying goods from Zimbabwe’s black farmers. This has in turn delivered a severe blow to Zimbabwe’s farmers as their produce has lied in waste and they have suffered heavy losses. Losses that will take years to recuperate, however if the US has its way these farmers will not only lose their farms but will be saddled with debts that will take generations to repay.

US hitmen, sorry Ambassadors have been at the forefront of the onslaught against Zimbabwe over the past decade.

The US sent CIA Agent Christopher Dell who covertly tried to destabilize the country and when that failed they sent the Military tactician James McGee who openly campaigned for regime change in Zimbabwe.. As Ambassador McGee’s tenure in Zimbabwe comes to an end the US in its wisdom has decided to send another military man Charles Ray.

Christopher William Dell service record in the United States Foreign Service officer reads more like a fact sheet of American induced hot spots across the globe since 1980. Mexico, Mozambique, Bulgaria, Kosovo, Angola, Zimbabwe and Afghanistan.

Any student of international relations worth their salt can literally see the red flags going up, this is one man who has been in the thick of things when it comes to “protecting US interests abroad” which in plain English means making sure that US businesses are allowed free reign while the natives are given the shaft and ensuring politicians who will do the US’s bidding become the government.

The flaunting of diplomatic corps rules was the bread Christopher Dell lived on in Zimbabwe because no self-respecting representative of a Government would become a campaign manager for a political party in a foreign land unless his country approves of such behavior. This type of behavior has become the modus operandi for the US.

It was shocking to see the glee on the faces of Foreign Service officials who were asked to comment on the decision by the ICC to issue an arrest warrant for Sudan’s President Al Bashir. Not only has the US refused to become a signatory to the ICC but also it has entered into arrangements with nations like Botswana with more mouth than sense to ensure that should American citizens be caught on the wrong side of the law they are given immunity. What it means is that the US is okay with its citizens committing crime against humanity.

Ambassador James McGee became a familiar face and voice when anyone needed a negative quote about Zimbabwe. The not-so-diplomatic ambassador signaled a new strategy by the US. When CIA agent spectacular Chris Dell moved on to Afghanistan with his tail behind legs he said Zimbabwe was going to crash and burn because he had insider knowledge of what the US planned to do in Zimbabwe. James McGee became the black face that the US attempted to gather support for Zimbabwe’s military occupation.

While Dell specialized in covert operations, Ambassador McGee became the Commander in Chief of the Anti ZANU PF forces within Zimbabwe, the face of the regime change movement. Prior to Zimbabwe James McGee was the US Ambassador to Swaziland, Madagascar and the Comoros. A look at the political atmospheres of these countries at the time of McGee’s terms shows that by the time he came to Zimbabwe McGee had made a name for himself in Washington’s corridors as one of the US’s more capable Warriors. A man with no conscience, while black folks in the US where fighting for the right to be treated as equals he was busy bombing Vietnamese in their country because they choice communism over capitalism.

The right to self-determination of the Vietnamese at that time was not in convergence with that of the US and as such the US decided to make sure that all Vietnamese people saw things their way. And now close to forty years later the US has been doing the same thing in Zimbabwe. Ambassador McGee thought Zimbabwe would be a walk in the park, no pun intended, but as his predecessor realized where there is a will there is a way. Like the people of Vietnam, the people of Zimbabwe refused to be forced to make a choice predetermined for them by foreigners.

McGee tried all the tricks he could think of to fulfill his mission in Zimbabwe. He became a psuedo journalist who was on hand to report as much negative news about Zimbabwe as he could. He was also an analyst on everything Zimbabwe; from the economy to politics he was readily available to give the CNNs and BBCs their pound of flesh. He was also a political activist, who gathered his counterparts and interfered in the internal affairs of Zimbabwe in clear disregard for Vienna Conventions on the conduct of diplomats.

The Zimbabwean government was very lenient to him because one would like to think if in the US the Chinese ambassador, took his Russian counterpart and several others and decided to go visit all those Arabs the US was holding hostage in places like Guatanamo Bay, not only would they be shot on site but those who survived would be on the first plane out of the US back to their countries.

His involvement in several illegal activities by opposition forces bent on toppling the government included being the coordinator of funds for dubious civic groups whose main purpose was to breed instability in the country. in fact the US Embassy became central command and had more intelligence on what Zanu PF was doing than Zanu PF itself.

McGee claimed to be reporting breaking news on events that were occurring several hundred kilometers from Harare and up to today McGee never reported these incidents to the police or provided his esteemed self to the police to assist in investigations. It becomes obvious that McGee has no interest in democracy or peace in Zimbabwe but ensuring that US interests are protected in Zimbabwe.

Very soon Zimbabwe will be receiving another Uncle Tom as the new US Ambassador, Charles Ray with over twenty years experience in the US army. What was that Ambassador McGee said in his interview with Violet Gonda about his plans after Zimbabwe? McGee said he was going back to the army and he will be working on something to do with Zimbabwe. Its common knowledge that these army types like working together and as such Retired Major Charles Ray and Vietnam War Hero James McGee have nothing but trouble planned for Zimbabwe.

Ambassador Charles Ray’s statement to the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations reads like it came straight from the desk of Ambassador McGee. Its funny that Ambassador McGee’s statement to that same committee read as though it came from the desk of Mr. CIA Christopher Dell. Ambassador Charles Ray brings new experience with him in the footsteps of his predecessors. Dell read out of the political interference handbook and when that failed McGee came in with the country destabilization game plan, Ray comes with his own bag of tricks gathered in Sierra Leone, Vietnam and China.

Ambassador Ray intends to use the opportunities provided by the Inclusive Government to finally push through regime change in Zimbabwe. He promised the Senate Committee, that he would uphold a mandate of divide and conquer when dealing with the government and continued application of sanctions.

As an Ambassador coming in under a new political dispensation that has preached of repairing relations across the globe with countries following dark times in America, Ambassador Charles Ray has shown not only his intolerance but also that of his boss. As such Zimbabwe cannot be expected to welcome him with open hands when he is a messenger who comes preaching a gospel of an opportunist who seeks to only to reap what he did not sow.

At this point the interests of Zimbabwe are in no way in line with US interests unless of course Zimbabwe is a handful of individuals who belong to several groups that once in a while break the law so that they can get arrested and receive donor funds under the guise of “democratic forces in Zimbabwe”.

The sooner that certain leaders in our government come to terms with the fact that there is no such thing as a free lunch in this world the better for Zimbabwe. Zimbabwe needs a lot of work to get it back on its feet and the Prime Minister’s empty begging bowl shows that his friends in the West will not lift a finger to help him unless he delivers on their demands.

The US will continue to fund regime change groups and not the government because funding the government will see some form of stability in the economy and once people have enough on their tables and live comfortably they soon forget about politics. As it is people are more politically conscious because their pockets are empty. By channeling funds to NGOs and civic groups the US makes certain that its regime change programs are operational and the people of Zimbabwe are influenced to believe that the opposition is their only hope because it has support of the West.

By bullying Zimbabwe through illegal sanctions, threats of military occupation, economic ruin, continued interference in Zimbabwe’s internal affairs the US is doing itself a great disservice. One would think it has learnt its lesson over the years, you can only enslave a people for a while but as each generation comes the need for freedom pushes a people to demand their rights back.

The ongoing debate about the UN’s Security Council shows that people in the Third world are tired of having the US and her partners dictate to them what they can and can not do. Attempts by the US to influence countries through money have not worked but have instead increased the demand for a bigger UN Security Council that is representative.

It does not end with the Security Council but the recent credit crunch has led developing countries to call for opening up of global financial institutions, which have always been under the control of the West. Power is slowly shifting from the northern hemisphere to the south and as Zimbabweans we should realize this and take advantage of this understanding that unless we fight for our place in this world it will not be handed to us on a platter.

The time for coups, subversive games, propaganda, and espionage is coming to an end and Zimbabweans from all walks of life should realize that as a nation they are the only ones who can map out their destiny, foreign intervention as witnessed this past decade in Zimbabwe has only benefited the few while the millions suffered.

Danai Mapuranga

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