
Thursday, August 20, 2009

(TALKZIMBABWE) Brothers divided over Chiadzwa clan leadership

Brothers divided over Chiadzwa clan leadership
Wed, 19 Aug 2009 07:27:00 +0000

TWO BROTHERS Newman and Patrick Chiadzwa, are both claiming to be the leader of the Chiadzwa clan after the discovery of diamond fields in the area.

In separate interviews last week, both claim the reigns of power, with Newman bringing in a new dimension, which is unheard of in the country's traditional circles.

The controversial and self-styled Newman claims that his brother, Patrick, is in charge of the courts and all traditional rites, while he was responsible for business and development, a new concept, which the Council of Chiefs might find interesting.

Patrick, who is recognised by the Ministry of Local Government, Urban and Rural Development as Headman Chiadzwa, described his brother's claims as mischievous.

"My brother, Newman, is just being driven by greed. He is doing every trick in the book to hoodwink people into believing that he is the legitimate leader of the Chiadzwa clan. He has since erected a sign post at his homestead purporting to be the chief.

"I am the acting Headman, having been appointed to the post by other family members following the death of my father last year. My mandate runs for two years until a new headman is installed. What Newman wants is ownership of the diamond fields, something which is unheard of because these diamonds are natural resources and should benefit everyone.

"To be honest, Newman is an outright liar and I think it is now high time we sit down as a clan and take him to task about his uncalled for behaviour. He is tarnishing our image by his unquenched love of power and money. Maybe there is a hand behind his actions, but the truth will soon come out," said Patrick.

However, Newman was singing from a different hymn book, claiming that he was in charge of all the development in the Chiadzwa area.

"There is no confusion regarding the Chiadzwa leadership. My brother Patrick is in charge of all traditional rites, while I am in charge of business and development. We are all acting leaders, he is the headman and I am the chief.

"Patrick is recognised by the responsible authorities because he is a headman and is receiving allowances for that, but my subjects recognise me as their chief because I am there for development. Even if you go to Chiadzwa today, people will direct you to my homestead. I grew up being called a chief and that still stands today. I don't know where this entire hullabaloo is coming from. From my own understanding of the word chief, it means the leader of a particular area, which I am," he said.

Newman, who was reported by the police to be on the run, said he was roaming the streets like any other free citizen of Zimbabwe and not a fugitive from justice.
"Police are looking for me? In actual fact, I am in Mutare and moving freely like any other citizen. I don't know of any criminal offence that the police might be interested in questioning me about. If I was a fugitive, how come you managed to contact me on my mobile number?"

Clarifying the Chiadzwa leadership issue, the Provincial Administrator, Mr Fungai Mbetsa, said only acting Headman Patrick Chiadzwa had the mandate to preside over the affairs of the Chiadzwa clan.

"In our records, we only know of Patrick as the acting headman. He was appointed with the blessings of all the families involved. Patrick's mandate runs for two years until a substantive headman is elected.

"Even all the responsible authorities in the Ministry of Local Government, Urban and Rural Development are aware that Patrick is the acting headman. As for Newman, we don't know where he is getting that authority. To us, he is just an imposter. The law is very clear when it comes to imposters and we hope the responsible authorities will seriously consider this matter and bring to book those who claim leadership positions," said Mr Mbetsa.

He said there was no-one with the title of chief among the Chiadzwa people.

"For someone to claim that he is a chief is taking imagination a bit too far because in our records, there is nothing like that. We only have a Headman Chiadzwa and not a chief. Maybe someone is trying to rewrite his own history and we are anxiously waiting for this new development," he said.

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