
Tuesday, August 04, 2009

(TALKZIMBABWE) MDC failed to attract professionals

MDC failed to attract professionals
Nyarai Chidemo - Opinion
Tue, 04 Aug 2009 02:50:00 +0000

DEAR EDITOR - I would like to contribute to your top story on the inexperience and incompetence that marred Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai's press conference in South Africa.

I think this is the major problem that we are witnessing in this new so-called inclusive Government. The MDC has failed to attract high calibre people into the party, and therefore into the inclusive Government.

Many professionals have shied away from joining this party because of its lack of a solid ideology. It has attracted what I would like to call peripheral and disgruntled professionals, like John Makumbe and many others. You hear these people speak and you wonder whose interests they represent or if they ever see any good in anything.

This is one of the reasons why the MDC failed to forward names of eligible permanent secretaries of ministries. These people are not political appointees, by professionals. The MDC has only attracted very temperamental individuals who only know activism, not professionalism.

When one looks at MDC Secretary General Tendai Biti and spokesman Nelson Chamisa, one sees very bitter individuals, who are always angry and do not see good in anything that happens in the country. Ironically, they seem not to see good in anything they do as well; for example they are opposing the Kariba Draft - a document they helped craft. Tendai Biti and Chamisa also oppose the inclusive Government - a government which they swore to represent.

I will challenge any reader to point me to a picture where any of these individuals are smiling.

Nyarai Chidemo

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