
Tuesday, August 04, 2009

(TALKZIMBABWE) Tsvangirai press conference marred by inexperience and incompetence

Tsvangirai press conference marred by inexperience and incompetence
Tendai Mafukidze
Tue, 04 Aug 2009 02:18:00 +0000

PRIME Minister Morgan Tsvangirai's press conference in Johannesburg was marred by "inexperience and incompetence, according to reports from South Africa.

The PM was visiting South African President Jacob Zuma to appraise him on the progress made by the inclusive Government since its formation in February this year.

After an hour long meeting with President Zuma, PM Tsvangirai held a press conference which was described by CAJ News as smarking of "inexperience and incompetence".

PM Tsvangirai’s staff "embarrassed the nation" when they failed to ensure a Zimbabwean flag was on the podium during the conference.

CAJ News said PM Tsvangirai whispered to his aides: "Where is the Zimbabwean flag? Where can I stand?"

The agency reported: "Prime Minister Tsvangirai appears to have no right personnel to guide him on international tours of duty as evidenced two months ago when he was left to stand at the United States of America flag instead of going to where the Zimbabwean flag was put.

"The Prime Minister was addressing journalists in the USA when rescued from another embarrassment by (US Secretary of State) Hillary Clinton, who directed him to stand at the right podium behind the Zimbabwean flag, not the US flag. Even the presence of Ian Makone, (the) Prime Minister’s secretary, and his spokesperson, James Maridadi, could not help anything.

"Zimbabwe Ambassador to South Africa Simon Khaya-Moyo, who was also part of the delegation, refused to shed much light to CAJ News except saying: ‘We are at the party headquarters, not the Union Buildings in Pretoria.’

"Union Buildings is the South African government headquarters where such high-profile meetings would normally take place."

This is not the first time PM Tsvangirai's staff has embarassed him on several issues.

In June this year, the internet was awash with rumours that a certain Dr Arikana Chihombori who strolled on the red carpet with PM Tsvangirai at the Zuma inauguration ceremony was the PM's niece. James Maridadi, PM Tsvangirai's spokesman issued a statement then, confirming that relationship on the hope that the "mystery" woman would not attract further attention from the media.

When news broke out that Dr Chihombori was actively trying to seize De Rus Farm from farmer L J Cremer, the MDC issued a different statement saying she was not the PM's niece.

Such contradictions have become commonplace in the publicity department of the MDC, much to the embarassment of the prime minister.

PM Tsvangirai is currently meeting with Botswana President Ian Khama to discuss wide range of socio-economic and political issues, among them the lastest developments to the country's inclusive Government.

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