
Tuesday, August 18, 2009

(TALKZIMBABWE) Zanu PF should transform, says Nkomo

Zanu PF should transform, says Nkomo
Tue, 18 Aug 2009 02:17:00 +0000

THE Zanu PF National Chairman, John Nkomo says the party should begin transforming itself from pursuing ideals of a liberation movement and set the development of the government as its new agenda.

Nkomo, who was speakings at an extraordinary Matabeleland South Provincial Co-ordination Committee meeting held at the party’s Provincial Headquarters in Gwanda, said that the party should remain relevant to the aspirations of Zimbabweans from all walks of life and address today's needs, and not merely dwell on past glory.

The Party Chairman told the local leadership that their energy should now be directed towards revival of key economic sectors such as agriculture and mining in order to get the country moving again.

"We should allow ourselves to be agents of change and focus on developing our country.

"The liberations struggle was fought and we are still battling with some elements that try to destabilise us. However, we should be progressive and find new ways of developing our country, without compromising our ideology or trivialising our struggle to free ourselves," said Nkomo.

Nkomo who is also Minister of State for National Healing thanked Zimbabweans for demonstrating unity during the burial of Vice President Joseph Msika. He said that level of patriotism should direct our efforts at rebuilding the country as one.

He paid tribute to the late VP Msika for leaving the people of Zimbabwe in full control of their resources, especially the land.

The meeting also discussed the Constitution making process, the forthcoming Zanu PF Annual People’s Congress and the need for the party to maintain a united front in spite of various challenges.

Critics says Nkomo is likely to replace the late VP Msika as Zimbabwe's co-vice-president.

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