
Thursday, August 20, 2009

(TIMES) American envoy nods Chiluba trial

American envoy nods Chiluba trial
By Times Reporter

AMERICAN ambassador to Zambia, Donald Booth has said the fact that former president Frederick Chiluba was made to stand trial on corruption charges shows that no one is above the law in Zambia.

Mr Booth said in Lusaka yesterday that the prosecution and ultimate acquittal of Dr Chiluba was an indication that Zambia respected the rule of law.

“The fact that former president Chiluba was brought to trial in Zambia for corruption shows that no one is above the law,” Mr Booth said.

He said that as American Secretary of State Hillary Clinton recently stated during her visit to Kenya, true economic progress depended not only on the hard work of millions of people who got up every day and did the best they could, but on responsible governments.

“It also depends on responsible governments that reject corruption, enforce the rule of law and deliver results for their people,” he said.

And Finish ambassador to Zambia, Sinikka Antila said it was important that the Government of Zambia pursued a policy of zero tolerance on corruption.

Responding to a Press query yesterday, Ms Ankila said Zambia should intensify the fight against corruption as that was key to the country’s fight against poverty.

She added that good governance and fight against corruption were also key issues for attracting foreign direct investments.

“This case and the other civil case against Mr Chiluba have been followed closely both by us here and back home in Finland. Zambia is, after all, one of our main long-term partner countries for development,” she said.

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