
Monday, August 31, 2009

Zamtel suspends Ndola NUCW leader over press statement

Zamtel suspends Ndola NUCW leader over press statement
Written by Margaret Habbuno
Monday, August 31, 2009 3:46:48 PM

ZAMTEL management has suspended National Union of Communication Workers (NUCW) Ndola branch chairperson Mwape Chilyobwe for issuing statements to the media over the partial privatisation of the company.

According to a letter dated August 19, 2009, signed by area manager Godfrey Mwiya and copied to the regional director for human resource, management had decided to suspend Chilyobwe from his position as senior technician pending investigations into alleged misconduct.

"This serves to inform you that management has decided to suspend you from duty with immediate effect. This is to facilitate investigations into your alleged issuing press statements related to the company without authority according to part 111 Clause 1 (9) of the Zamtel Disciplinary Code," Mwiya stated.

"During this period of suspension you are placed on half salary less all statutory deductions and any indebtedness to the company. You are further prohibited from entering any company premises except the Human Resource Department. You are also not allowed to leave Ndola without permission from this office."

The letter stated that the suspension was in accordance with the company's disciplinary code and grievance procedure.

"The suspension is in accordance with part 11 Clause 3 (b) and (c) of the Disciplinary Code and Grievance procedure and will remain in force until investigations are concluded. Meanwhile the charge raised against you has been withdrawn until investigations are completed."

But according to a letter to management availed to The Post by reliable sources, Chilyobwe refuted allegations levelled against him.

"I would like to regret your misdirected charge against me which purports that I spoke on behalf of management on company matters without authority. I have never issued any statement on behalf of management as I have no authority to do so," Chilyobwe stated in his letter.

"Whatever I have communicated to the workers or to anyone has been from the union and as branch chairman for which I was elected. The industrial labour relations Act 269 of Zambia gives the union authority to speak, protect and advocate for its voiceless members."

Chilyobwe stated that he did not need any authority from management to carry out his duties as union chairman.

"The communication issued in The Post that was obtained by the press quoting Mr Mwape Chilyobwe clearly states that these are union matters and in response to misinformation and gross misrepresentations by our union national president Mr P. Kaonga," he stated.

"I would like to tell you that I have the mandate from Zamtel workers Ndola Central Branch (NUCW) to speak, protect and advocate for their rights. I was elected as chairman of NUCW for this purpose."

Chilyobwe stated that the union was guided by the constitution and that there were ways in which the matter could be addressed in the event that he made a mistake.

"This is a clear sign that this is a wrong NUCW leadership to represent Zamtel workers. Finally I would like to advise you to keep away from our union matters because I am a legally recognised chairman, legally elected - not through rigged elections but one that is recognised and have the mandate to speak for our unionised staff," stated Chilyobwe.

Recently, President Rupiah Banda announced government's intention to sell a 75 per cent stake in Zamtel to save the company from collapse. President Banda also said the workers of Zamtel asked government to sell the parastatal and this position was later supported by NUCW national president Patrick Kaonga.

However, Chilyobwe said workers were not for the idea of the partial privatisation of Zamtel and that they had not even been consulted over the matter.

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