
Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Zim introduces toll fees to increase revenue

COMMENT - Just another step the MDC make to turn Zimbabwe into a country for the rich only.

Zim introduces toll fees to increase revenue
Written by Kingsley Kaswende in Harare, Zimbabwe
Wednesday, August 19, 2009 6:18:11 PM

MOTORISTS using Zimbabwe's major highways will from today onwards be required to pay toll fees in a move aimed at buffering the country's revenue. According to schedules on Statutory Instrument 39 of 2009, light motor vehicles would be charged US $1 per toll point while US $2 would be charged on minibuses.

Large buses would be required to pay US $3 while heavy vehicles and haulage trucks would pay US $5.

"The government has taken a decision to install toll gates as part of efforts to provide for resources necessary to maintain and upgrade our national road infrastructure," finance minister Tendai Biti said.

Toll gates were introduced in January but have taken long to operationalise as the government needed further consultation and approval of the Finance Bill by Parliament.

The Zimbabwe Revenue Authority has since set up 22 rudimentary toll gate structures to facilitate the collection of the money along the highways. Toll fees would be collected from motorists at ports of entry and on city to city routes.

The only exemptions will be diplomatic missions that enjoy privileges under the privileges and immunities Act, vehicles carrying diplomats, vehicles displaying government number plates, those belonging to the State, fire brigade, ambulance service and vehicles bearing Zimbabwe Revenue Authority.

Foreign buses or heavy goods vehicles that cross between two ports of entry shall also be exempted if they present proof of payment of transit charges.

Roads with two toll gate points, the maximum, include Harare Chirundu, Bulawayo-Victoria Falls, Harare-Mutare, Bulawayo-Beitbridge, Masvingo-Beitbridge, Harare-Masvingo and Harare-Gweru.

Those with a single toll points are Bulawayo-Plumtree, Harare-Mount Darwin, Gweru-Masvingo, Gweru-Chivhu, Harare-Nyamapanda, Masvingo-Mutare, Masvingo-Bulawayo and Gweru-Bulawayo.

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