
Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Banda accuses Tilyenji, Anamela of victimising party members

Banda accuses Tilyenji, Anamela of victimising party members
Written by Margaret Habbuno
Tuesday, September 01, 2009 4:19:48 PM

FORMER UNIP secretary general Reverend Alfred Banda has accused Tilyenji Kaunda and Njekwa Anamela of intimidating and victimising members who are calling for the congress to be held.

In an interview yesterday, Rev Banda, who in the past had been an ardent supporter of Tilyenji and Anamela, said the duo had failed to run the affairs of the party and resorted to intimidating and expelling members.

“I have been patient for a long time as secretary general, watching the deceitful, personal gains and wrong leadership of Tilyenji and Anamela,” he said. “The current leadership in UNIP is a wrong one and it is time for me to say no to this vice.”

Rev Banda said Tilyenji and Anamela were not following the party constitution on any matters affecting the party.

“The constitution is not being followed by Tilyenji and Anamela because they strongly feel UNIP is a company. I cannot continue keeping quiet when Anamela and Tilyenji are busy using party money for personal matters. Only the two of them are benefiting and they don’t even consult with the party leadership. This explains why UNIP has a skeleton leadership because these two people have been harassing and victimising people,” he said.

He said Tilyenji and Anamela were individuals who did not know what dialogue was.

“Tilyenji and Anamela are people who are full of themselves and if their leadership is not challenged, UNIP is going to suffer irreparable damage and people will continue being victimised by two selfish individuals,” he said.

Rev Banda challenged Tilyenji and Anamela to tell the nation where they have taken the shares for the property that UNIP owned.

“As secretary general and the members of UNIP, we want to be told where the money is for the Commonwealth Development Company and many others. We don’t know who bought the shares. Tilyenji and Anamela have no good intentions for the UNIP party,” he said.

Rev Banda warned Tilyenji and Anamela not to expel him from the party as he would fight them with no violence.

“I know that the moment they read this article, they will have secret meetings aimed at expelling me. I would like to warn them that they should not dare to expel me or charge me with anything because I will fight back without fear. I am tired of being quiet each and everything has a limit,” said Rev Banda.

Efforts to get comments from Tilyenji Kaunda and Anamela failed by press time as they were both not responding to phone calls.

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