
Sunday, September 13, 2009

Chiluba must not preach what he doesn’t do, says Lubinda

Chiluba must not preach what he doesn’t do, says Lubinda
Written by Chibaula Silwamba
Sunday, September 13, 2009 8:22:50 AM

FREDERICK Chiluba must not preach what he does not do because he investigated and arrested Dr Kenneth Kaunda on trumped-up charges soon after he came into power, Kabwata PF member of parliament Given Lubinda said yesterday.

Commenting on Chiluba's statement that leaders should not pursue their predecessors but should thank them even if they discover some weaknesses in their leadership, Lubinda advised Chiluba not to be hypocritical because he mistreated his predecessor, Dr Kaunda.

“Has 'pastor' Frederick Jacob Titus Mpundu Chiluba forgotten that the first thing he did upon being elected president in 1991 was to pursue Dr Kenneth Kaunda? Has he forgotten that? Has he forgotten how he made the old man stand for many hours to search him? Has Frederick Titus Mpundu Chiluba forgotten that he incarcerated Dr Kaunda on Christmas day? You remind Mr Chiluba that we know how he brought Scotland Yard to investigate this innocent Zambian, Dr Kaunda, who did a lot for this country. What Dr Kaunda did in just 10 years speaks volumes of the character of the man and he cannot in anyway be compared with Frederick Jacob Titus Mpundu Chiluba,” said Lubinda who is also opposition PF spokesperson. “Pastor Frederick Jacob Titus Mpundu Chiluba must be alive to the teaching of Christ that 'do unto others as you would want them to do unto you'. What is good for a goose must be good for a gander. Frederick Chiluba is the worst individual to talk about not pursuing predecessors. When is that man going to have any remorse for the wrong things he did to Zambia and humanity? He should not preach what he does not do himself.”

Lubinda said Chiluba must be aware that whatever wrong things one did boomeranged on them.

“What we do while holding public office shall follow us to our grave. Therefore, it is the duty of society to pursue all former leaders for all their misdemeanors. Does Chiluba think that even after a leader is involved in genocide, they must not be pursued? Does Chiluba think that even after plundering national resources, former leaders must not be pursued? No!” Lubinda said. “He must be alive that even the immunity that is provided to the President is removable by the people’s Parliament. The reason why that provision is in the Constitution is because the drafters of the Constitution knew that the world is not short of thugs, it is not short of people with ill intentions. That is why there is that provision in the Constitution, to make sure that offenders are punished and even if Frederick Chiluba will cry drums of tears, that will not make him innocent. We want the London judgment to be registered in Zambia as quickly as possible.”

He said Zambia's standing in the eyes of the international community was now questionable because of Chiluba's acquittal.

“Can you imagine that the fight against corruption is affected simply by the Chiluba case? Zambia's reputation in the fight against corruption is being questioned internationally simply because of the way we are mismanaging the issue of one former president in the name of Frederick Chiluba. Should Zambia suffer because of one person just because they were president at one time or another? No! Can Frederick Chiluba please have mercy upon the people of Zambia? Zambia is bigger than him. Zambia should not kneel on its knees just because of one Frederick Titus Mpundu Chiluba. No!” Lubinda said. “Chiluba shall be remembered in the history books of Zambia as a former president who was suspected of having plundered people's resources. Even if he gets acquittals from courts, that image that he has earned himself shall remain in the annals of history.”

Lubinda urged Chiluba to stop mocking Zambians and passing innuendoes on late president Levy Mwanawasa.

“Can Frederick please tone down on his preaching? Let him preach the word of God. He told us that he will be a pastor but now he is at every turn attacking people and rubbishing everybody, especially Levy Patrick Mwanawasa. Why is it that only now he has woken from the slumber? All the time Frederick Chiluba was in deep slumber. He did not say a word during the time of Levy Mwanawasa. All of the sudden, Frederick Jacob Titus Mpundu Chiluba has the highest platform in the land. He can say whatever he wants,” observed Lubinda. “Is it not correct that Chiluba celebrated the death of Mwanawasa and [late local government minister Benny] Tetamashimba?...”

Addressing mourners during the burial of Zambia's former Consul General to Lubumbashi, Lemmy Chipili, at Chingola Road Cemetery in Kitwe on Thursday, Chiluba discouraged leaders from pursuing their predecessors.

“Yesterday [Wednesday] we were burying another leader Tetamashimba who worked very well in enlightening people for us to move forward. Today [Thursday] we have buried Consul General Chipili who served in my government. If someone leaves today another takes over. It does not mean that when you take over then you say 'those of you who are here, who was driving this vehicle? Arrest him. He has finished the oil'. Oil which you can just replace and move on? 'Arrest him for not driving properly. Arrest all his conductors as well'. That is not how politics are conducted. In politics, when one leaves, you have to congratulate them 'well done my friend, well done. I am heading this way.' That is how development takes place world-over,” said Chiluba in his Bemba speech as translated into English.

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