
Sunday, September 27, 2009

Chiluba vows to fight back

Chiluba vows to fight back
Written by Chibaula Silwamba
Sunday, September 27, 2009 2:12:31 AM

FORMER president Frederick Chiluba has said the Bible allows him to fight back those people that fight him and that those denouncing him are poking God’s eye. And Chiluba denounced the Dutch, Danish and Americans for embracing homosexuality and warned Zambians against allowing donors to pollute Zambia with their dirty money.

Officiating at the launch of Save Rural Africa Foundation (SARAF) founded and headed by chief Chipepo of Siavonga district in Southern Province in Lusaka on Friday, Chiluba quoted biblical examples justifying that Christians must fight back using the same means that their enemies were using.

“Somebody was telling [me] the other day, ‘no even if you are insulted don’t speak back, keep quiet’. I said, ‘where in the Bible have they said so? Where? Where have they told you?’ If Moses did not speak to Pharaoh, the Israelites would have still been in bondage. God didn’t tell Moses, go and stand. He said, ‘go and tell him!’ Speak! You have to speak to the enemy,” Chiluba said. “If the enemy uses the voice, use your voice back. If King David did not speak back to Goliath, that is why those other Israelites were shrinking and shivering because they didn’t know how to fight the enemy. You don’t fight the enemy in silence. Speak out in the name of Jesus. You know what Jesus told King Herald when he was talking nonsense, He said ‘go and tell that fox, he should keep quiet.’ It was Jesus the Lord Himself. Talk back to the fox.”

Chiluba warned that people denouncing him were poking God’s eye.

“When a nation brings itself to God then God will bring honour and glory to that nation and her people. Isaiah 22:24 and also the Lord said. You know this declaration [of Zambia as a Christian nation] I feel extremely confident wherever I go, wherever I am, even if I am alone, I know I am not alone. Why? Because I am assured that I did the right thing and I don’t care whether they are looking at me cruelly, I know I am very firm,” Chiluba said. “Don’t underrate my power because it’s neither by power but by the Holy Spirit. So if you continue to throw stones at one who declared Zambia a Christian nation, you are poking at God’s eye. I am the apple of His eye.”

Chiluba confessed that even before he left office, he knew that he would experience the problems he had been through after leaving office.

“Zambia is a nation truly under God. Some of you don’t understand to be truly under God; practically I do. I knew before, during and after I left office what my wife and I have gone through. Last [Thursday] night we had another meeting with prophet [Phillip] Banda from South Africa, he made a wonderful statement. He said, ‘you see, if you are not encountering difficulties in this world, if the devil is not fighting you, it means you are moving with him in the same direction.’ The devil hardly fights those he moves with. He fights those who move against him. Praise the Lord! Hallelujah!” Chiluba said. “I am a new pastor, I am just graduating. Oh! I am now preaching the gospel. We must not allow anybody to fool around with us. Whereas we may not use our palm to smack them, we have to smack them with the gospel. There is firepower in the gospel. I am waiting for my church to open its doors please.”

Chiluba urged Zambians to be ready to fight donors that brought “dirty” money to pollute Zambia.

“Because we are under the covenant, there is no way even if they bring dirty money to pollute our land to destroy our children, we will call upon the name of the Lord,” he said.

He said South Africa was given dirty money to include the rights of homosexuals and prostitutes in that country’s Constitution.

“A few months back, my wife and I watched a presentation in South Africa of an organisation which has been formed to protect the rights of prostitutes. Why did that come about? I was told by one South African brother that on their way towards the inauguration of their constitution they were given aid, money and they were told, ‘if you embrace the rights of the individual, liberty of everybody including prostitutes and allow for homosexuals and lesbian marriages, we will give you this money’. We politicians face a lot of difficulties,” Chiluba explained. “Today as I talk to you, I am sure you are aware that many states in America have now legislated for homosexual marriages. Men marrying men and you know what the Bible says. But they have been allowed legally to do so. In Scandinavia, particularly in The Netherlands, in Denmark if you preach against homosexual life you will be taken to court and this is the truth. So why am I saying this? Yes! We have the Bibles. We are taking the Bibles into the villages. In fact in my opinion we may not encounter many problems in the villages. The problem will be right here in towns.”

Chiluba said Zambians must have their eyes open against European countries and the US.

“Because the battle is not as small as it sounds. Why? You may remember that the first country in Africa to gain independence is Ghana and this was 1957. What did Europe and America do when they realised that Africa had freed herself from the yoke of imperialism? The European met in 1957, that same year Ghana became independent, they met in Rome [in Italy] and thrashed out the paper they called the charter of Rome. That was intended to plan, not for Africa or with Africa but to plan against Africa in my opinion,” Chiluba said. “Whereas before then Africa, Zambia could go and borrow from one country in Europe if the other country could not accept, Zambia could go to another country, borrow money and come back and conduct her business. Europeans realised that an independent Africa determines its own destiny, Europe will lose out. So they came up with that Rome charter in 1957, which has now turned into EU [European Union] that was the forerunner to EC and the now EU.”

Chiluba said developed countries were holding African countries to ransom.

“Now we are held to ransom by these countries and when they talk about aid, it is aid with a lot of strings,” Chiluba said. “Even some brothers and sisters, who may even be members of parliament, didn’t you hear one member of parliament in a European country going to church. He goes to make an offering and when he comes back he goes to claim his money from Parliament. So who gave money to God? Parliament or himself? This is happening today. It is happening and this same man may come thinking he knows God so well that he doesn’t have to spend money on God, he can ask Parliament to do it for himself. There is no commitment, no devotion, nothing to God.”

Chiluba said the Christian values that the Europeans and Americans talked about were no longer existent.

“We have better values here. We respect God here. We respect God with all our souls and strengths, with all our love and let us not depend on the outside world to come and pollute the values that we have about our God,” Chiluba said. “There is a lot to do and a lot for us to protect especially our children and their children after us. The Bible says, ‘hold on to that which you have.’ America was founded on Christian principles but today they have stopped the Bible from being read in school. They are not holding on to that which they have. They have lost their first love.”

Chiluba observed that the world was bad nowadays.

“As your president, I can only tell you that you are great men and women of God. We are living in very difficult times not only our friends in South Africa accepted that which they didn’t want and implemented in their constitution the rights of the devil. This may be slowly coming but we must watch out. There have been attempts in this country to put the same right in the constitution. We have to be wide awake and particularly if our children understand fully what this means to them and those after them, then we will have a firm [and] strong foundation,” Chiluba said. “I therefore, your royal highness, men and women of God on behalf of my wife because the two of us agreed to come and participate, on her behalf I want to take this opportunity to thank the almighty God and appreciate the founder of SARAF chief Chipepo of Siavonga for conceiving the idea of this organisation.”

Chiluba prayed for and poured anointing oil on chief Chipepo.

And chief Chipepo urged Zambians against insulting their leaders at whatever level.

The mission of SARAF is to take the gospel of Jesus Christ to rural areas of Africa.

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