
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

FSSMAZ urges creation of small-scale mining policy

FSSMAZ urges creation of small-scale mining policy
Written by Fridah Zinyama
Wednesday, September 30, 2009 4:50:33 AM

FEDERATION of Small Scale Mining Association of Zambia (FSSMAZ) president Pauline Mundia has called on government to quickly come up with a deliberate policy regarding the development of the small-scale mining sector in the country.

In an interview, Mundia said a clear policy on the development of the small-scale mining sector was the only way in which to maximise the economic value of the investment in the sector.

“At the moment, we do not have a policy in place and this has hindered the development of the small-scale mining sector,” she said. “Once guidelines are put in place, that will help run the sector, investors will be attracted to the sector.”

Mundia explained that the small-scale mining policy would also help in addressing some of the challenges that the sector had been experiencing.

“We hope that issues like lack of access to communication like internet, electricity and proper infrastructure like roads will also be addressed as these have hampered the productivity of the sector,” she said.

And Mundia has revealed that some of its members will be attending the China Mining Show in Beijing, which will be running from the October 20 to 22, 2009.

“We hope that our attending this show will help us find proper investors into the gemstone industry of Zambia,” said Mundia. “We also hope to find buyers for our products. At present, we have been using middlemen who have not been giving us the real value for our products.”

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