
Tuesday, September 29, 2009

(HERALD) Zanu-PF Women’s League hails Sadc, AU

Zanu-PF Women’s League hails Sadc, AU
Herald Reporter

The Zanu-PF Women’s League has hailed efforts by Sadc and AU for facilitating the talks that led to the signing of the Global Political Agreement between Zimbabwe’s three main political parties.

In its five-year report presented by Zanu-PF secretary for women’s affairs Cde Oppah Muchinguri at the just ended 5th National Women’s Conference in Harare, the league also commended former South African president Thabo Mbeki and South Africa for a "job well done and executed".

In congratulating President Mugabe for winning the June 27 Presidential run-off last year, the Women’s League said the birth of an inclusive Government showed Africa’s ability to find solutions to its own problems.

"Women recognise the role played by Sadc and South Africa, in particular, in facilitating the signing of the Global Political Agreement of 15 September 2008.

"The Women’s League takes pride in the ability of Africans to find African solutions to African problems and deplores the unnecessary reliance on the West by some political formations in the country.

"The Women’s League will, within the purview and guidelines provided by the party leadership, support the inclusive Government," the league said.

The league expressed its gratitude to the Zanu-PF leadership for continuing to support women despite the harsh economic conditions brought about by illegal sanctions slapped on Zimbabwe by the West.

"The net effect of all (sanctions) was that the Women’s League could not fully undertake its activities due to challenging operating environment.

"In spite of this drawback, the Women’s League remains a privileged wing under Zanu-PF leadership.

"The party has always been resolute to the protection, development and empowerment of women.

"Women remain grateful to the party and its leadership for always taking their concerns seriously.

"The party leadership continues to remind women of their valued roles in the party, in our society and in the family.

"Women remain the heart and soul of any society and in this, the party’s leadership stands as our greatest strength," the league said.

They expressed gratitude for the creation of the Ministry of Women’s Affairs.

"This is commendable as the request for this ministry was made through a Congress resolution in 2004.

"Women applaud the party for positively addressing this resolution.

"In spite of the challenge of procuring resources due to the effects of the illegal Western imposed sanctions, the ministry plays a critical role in mobilising women for meaningful participation in projects to uplift their quality of life, empowering women in business, mining and agriculture, among other sectors."

The league expressed hope that the constitution-making process would take on board their concerns, such as the need to promote women participation in national politics.

The Women’s League called for the party to include voting procedures in the party constitution, manifesto and other key party documents to ensure due recognition of equal representation and participation by women.

"Women believe that their equality will only become a reality when it is provided for in a separate Women’s League constitution.

"The Women’s League is currently undertaking a study of regional party constitutions with a view to making informed recommendations to our party on this matter," the report said.

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