
Tuesday, September 08, 2009

KK urges fight against poverty through agriculture

KK urges fight against poverty through agriculture
Written by Christopher Miti in Chipata
Tuesday, September 08, 2009 3:46:11 PM

First Republican president DR Kenneth Kaunda on Sunday emphasised the need to fight poverty through the field of agriculture. In an interview after visiting his family in Sindamisale area of Chadiza district, Dr Kaunda praised the people's efforts in agriculture.

"I went to visit a family of mine, Colonel Panji Kaunda and naturally I took that opportunity to meet so many other people there who had gathered. I praised their efforts in the field of agriculture. They are doing something which will help us as a nation," Dr Kaunda said.

He urged people to combine efforts in fighting HIV and AIDS.

"I also talked about fighting AIDS and how we must make it a point for each one of us to see that we join this great fight. I am happy things move very well. In the field of agriculture, they are trying their level best and I think more and more young people should try and join that, fighting poverty through agriculture, something which will help us as a nation," he said.

Dr Kaunda, who also attended the Kulamba traditional ceremony of the Chewa people in Katete on Saturday, said culture was important because it brings people together.

And former Petauke district commissioner George Zulu urged the people of Eastern Province to take advantage of the Chipata/Mchinji railway line to foster development.

Zulu, who accompanied Dr Kaunda to Sindamisale, said people in the province should know that they were responsible for their development.

"What the President [Rupiah Banda] said at the Kulamba ceremony in relation to developing trade links between Zambia, Mozambique and Malawi should be a challenge to all people in Eastern Province and others because development of the Eastern Province is going to be done by ourselves. So, yes, the President has given a challenge but what are we going to be doing ourselves as easterners to make sure that...that before the end of this year that railway line would be operational," said Zulu.

"We must all rally together, it has no politics, it must have no politics, it should have development. We development officers, trained development students, we should make sure that we push those responsible for this railway line to start by December, this is a timetable challenged by the President.

"So we must thank the President for this important area of our development. Eastern Province is going to develop with this railway line. It's extremely huge and important railway line to Zambia and in particular to the people of Eastern Province."

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