Sunday, September 13, 2009

Let Rupiah shut up on corruption – Syakalima

Let Rupiah shut up on corruption – Syakalima
Written by Chibaula Silwamba and Ernest Chanda
Sunday, September 13, 2009 8:25:31 AM

LET President Rupiah Banda shut up instead of infuriating people with pronouncements about his commitment to fight corruption, parliamentary Public Accounts Committee member Douglas Syakalima said yesterday. And the Council of Churches in Zambia (CCZ) has cautioned the government against blocking legal processes aimed at fighting corruption in the country.

Commenting on President Banda’s remarks on Friday that he was fully aware that some people had questioned him and his government's commitment to fight corruption in light of certain recent events but that he was committed to fight the vice, Syakalima said President Banda had shown beyond reasonable doubt that he was not committed to fighting corruption.

“He doesn’t mean what he says. In fact, he is just infuriating some of us a lot. So let him just shut up. He will lose nothing. After all 2011 is coming very soon so he is better off not infuriating us,” said Syakalima, who is opposition United Party for National Development Siavonga member of parliament. “The problem with President Banda is that when he has uttered a word, it is commitment. Utterances alone will not help this country. He has shown beyond any reasonable doubt that he does not like anybody who talks about corruption because it is in his blood stream.”

Syakalima said it would be very difficult for President Banda to change the attitude of Zambians to believe him that he was committed to fighting corruption.

“President Banda can make as many pronouncements as he wants, it will not change his attitude towards corruption and he can shout on top of the mountain about corruption, he will not change our attitude towards him that he is the one who is perpetuating corruption,” said Syakalima.

During the launch of the Millenium Challenge Account Zambia (MCA-Zambia) at State House in Lusaka on Friday, President Banda said he was concerned about the perception that his government was not committed to fight corruption.

“I also want to state that I am fully aware that some have questioned our commitment to fighting corruption in the light of certain recent events. My government is deeply concerned about those perceptions and intends to do everything within its power to counter those perceptions through actions as well as words,” President Banda said. “I am aware that similar questions have been raised about our commitment to the rule of law and to civil liberties. My government will make every effort to ensure that our actions address these concerns as well, not only, or even mainly, because of the impact on our eligibility for MCC and other donor funding, but because it is right, because it is good and because it is the policy of the government of the Republic of Zambia.”

And in a communique released on Friday, CCZ general secretary Reverend Suzzane Matale stated that there should be no sacred cows in the fight against corruption.

“We, the Church leaders from 24 member churches of the Council of Churches in Zambia (CCZ) met at Mulungushi University in Kabwe from the 15th to 19th August 2009 for the 28th General Conference to deliberate and reflect on issues relating to the spiritual, social, political and economic areas in our nation under the theme ‘Seeking Justice for All’. We acknowledge that a lot of injustices and violation of human rights and degradation of human dignity has penetrated various sectors of our society including the church, private sector as well as government institutions,” she stated.

“We exhort the government to double their efforts in rooting out corruption from all government institutions and not stand in the way of legal processes to protect a few ‘sacred cows’ in the nation. Corruption policies on their own are just pieces of paper which will need political muscle, high integrity levels, transparency and accountability to implement for tangible results. We offer this document to the nation with the primary objective of addressing the injustices that have ruined the moral fibre of our communities, church, government structures and the society in which we all live as children of God.”

Rev Matale said the church had observed that the country was under threat of degenerating into regionalism.

“…The high levels of poverty in the nation, high corruption levels especially in government, the unequal/unfair distribution of resources in the nation, the hostility in the political arena and the labour unrests in public institutions. Lack of transparency and accountability in the management of the mineral resources and revenues. The threat of the country degenerating in regionalism, lack of transparency in the fertilizer distribution to target groups. The physical and verbal violence in the country between the media and politicians, and the urgent need for the new national constitution that shall unify the nation and stand the test of time…,” she observed.

Rev Matale has also urged the government to take full responsibility for the high poverty levels in the country.

“…We urge the government to honour all commitments, protocols and instruments they have signed and those they will sign in the future in relation to poverty reduction, i.e. the Millenium Development Goals, Vision 2030, The Abuja Declaration, the Fifth National Development Plan and to commit adequate resources to achieve the goals.”

Rev Matale has also called on the government to stop the harassment of journalists and lead the way in promoting peace.

“We encourage the government to take lead in reducing the hostility in the country since it is their primary responsibility to protect people and property, maintain peace, stability and tranquility in the nation. We urge political parties whether in the ruling or opposition parties to desist from physical and verbal attacks on the media. The persistent threats against the media must stop. Aggrieved parties should instead seek legal redress which is the civilised way of settling disputes,” stated Rev Matale.

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