
Tuesday, September 29, 2009

(LUSAKATIMES) UNIP joins calls for a speedy completion of constitution making process

UNIP joins calls for a speedy completion of constitution making process
Tuesday, September 29, 2009, 14:51

United National Independent Party (UNIP) has joined calls for a speedy completion of the constitutional making process by the National Constitution Conference (NCC) delegates.

UNIP President Tilyenji Kaunda says UNIP has taken note of the progress made so far and welcomes the commitment by both the Government and other stakeholders in their desire to serve the broader national interest in the matter.

Mr Kaunda said UNIP is for a constitution that enjoys the consensus of all Zambians, saying the constitution has to be one that protects and promotes human rights and guarantees the social and economic rights of all citizens as well as their developmental needs.

Mr Kaunda was speaking at a press briefing at the party headquarters in Lusaka today ahead of the party’s 50th anniversary next month.

He said the event is a great occasion for the party, adding that it has been preparing to commemorate the event in all parts of the country.

Meanwhile, Mr Kaunda said his party was getting concerned over the current debate in the media on the outcome of some recent court cases.

The UNIP President said he would prefer the Law Association of Zambia (LAZ) to reflect deeply on the developments and take measures to uphold the confidence of all Zambians in the judiciary’s decisions or judgments.

He said if people are made to lose confidence in the integrity of the judiciary, then even the democratic system that the country aspires to build will be seriously compromised.

And Mr Kaunda said privatization of public media requires careful consideration given the bias towards urban centers.

He said increased investment in the sector is desirable from both the private sector and the state to ensure balanced infrastructure development as well as quality local content from production houses.

He also reiterated his party’s explicit support for media self regulation as opposed to a state imposed regulatory regime.

He said in this new century, it would be totally undemocratic and dictatorial to impose state regulation of the media in any form.

He said it was gratifying to note that members of the press have remained alive to the challenge of protecting press freedom and the rights to freedom of expression and assembly of all citizens.

Mr Kaunda stressed that a vibrant democratic system requires a vibrant press and this results in enhanced voice and accountability in society.


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