Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Magande threatens to quit MMD

Magande threatens to quit MMD
Written by George Zulu in Monze
Tuesday, September 15, 2009 6:23:49 PM

FORMER finance minister Ng'andu Magande has threatened to quit the ruling MMD in 2011 if the party continues with what he described as undemocratic ways and trends of choosing leaders.

Featuring on Monze's SKY Fm radio Face the Media programme on Sunday, Magande said he would not subscribe to any undemocratic ways and tendencies of appointing leaders in the MMD. He said calls by some MMD members to postpone the party's convention to 2016 were unfortunate and would defeat the purpose of democracy.

Magande said it was saddening that some MMD members were going against the principles of democracy and the party constitution by supporting calls on postponing the convention and not to challenge President Rupiah Banda for the presidency.

He said the only legitimate way of electing leaders at party level was through a national convention, urging party members who believe in democratic principles to demand and call for the national executive committee to hold the convention before 2011.

Magande said it was not right that some leaders in the MMD's NEC were in the forefront calling for the postponement of the convention till after the 2011 general elections, warning that he would not be part and parcel of a group of leaders supporting a leader appointed undemocratically.

"I will be willing to campaign for the candidate that will be democratically elected at the convention of the MMD as our presidential candidate for 2011. What parties are they talking about? They are talking about the pact, the pact is not an organisation the pact is UNPD-PF and they have made it clear you can't join the pact, you have to join PF or UPND. I belong to a party that brought a change for the better and during the last past five to six years under a leader who had a vision, who had integrity, who liked to work, a leader who could inspire you and he basically gave me trust; we did a lot for this country. So for me, I still feel that the current MMD manifesto which was democratically adopted at the 2005 convention has got good things for Zambians and it requires somebody with a vision to implement this, and we should analyse President Banda's leadership up to mid-2011," Magande said.

He said there were over 30 political parties in Zambia, which needed his experience and leadership skills, adding that he would only support an MMD presidential candidate in 2011 elected through a national convention.

Magande also said he would not retaliate on the recent attacks on him by MMD deputy national secretary Jeff Kande because he was his disciple but the only unfortunate part was that he has failed to show vision.

"People should start wondering why other people like talking about other people. Kande wants to continuous relate to Magande but I want to assure him because he has not shown that he has a vision and a strategy for this country, I will not take my time answering him on. Whatever he says, let him stand on an ant-hill and say Magande stole 20 billion and those who are listening will judge for themselves what he is talking about," Magande said.

He said expulsion threats by NEC members against those with divergent views were undemocratic. He said the current divisions in the MMD were worrying and that those saying that President Banda lost in Chilanga constituency were doing that to impress their masters as President Banda did not only lose in Chilanga but even in other constituencies.

Magande also rejected political calls to have a degree holder as minimum qualification for a presidential candidate, saying it was not everybody who has been to a university and has a degree who has leadership qualities.

"...there are some people with even ten PhDs, they will still be followers. To lead a country, you need to have integrity and a passion for your own country," said Magande.

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