Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Man-hunt launched after murder suspect Mohan escapes

Man-hunt launched after murder suspect Mohan escapes
Written by Staff Reporters
Tuesday, September 01, 2009 4:25:58 PM

An extensive man-hunt has been launched by police following the escape yesterday of Inktek managing director Mohan Matthews, who is facing charges of murder. And police service spokesperson Bonny Kapeso has confirmed the arrest of two police officers and the prosecutor for criminal negligence following the Mohan’s escape.

Mohan is reported to have escaped from police custody after appearing for mention at the magistrate’s court complex in Lusaka.

He, and two others, are charged with the recent murder of a Zambian businessman of Asian origin, who was tortured before being killed. The deaceased’s body was found dumped in his vehicle in Lusaka’s industrial area.

And Kapeso said Commissioner of Police Graphael Musamba had directed that three officers, including a public prosecutor, who were guarding Mohan when he escaped, be arrested and charged with criminal negligence.

Kapeso said Mohan’s escape when he was being guarded by the trio had raised suspicion hence the directive to arrest the officers.

He explained that police procedure demanded that anyone facing a serious offence such as murder be handcuffed and guarded at all times.

“It is shocking therefore to learn that Mohan was casually left unguarded and before two female police officers without taking police precaution regarding the murder suspect,” Kapeso said.

He further disclosed that all border exits points were on high alert as the police service as Mohan was a dangerous criminal who could use disguised travel arrangements.

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