
Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Mulongoti justifies intentions to discipline Magande, Mpombo

Mulongoti justifies intentions to discipline Magande, Mpombo
Written by Patson Chilemba
Wednesday, September 16, 2009 12:09:50 AM

WORKS and supply minister Mike Mulongoti yesterday asked Ng'andu Magande and those championing the holding of the convention to make the resources available for the undertaking.

In an interview, Mulongoti said former finance minister Magande, former defence minister George Mpombo and others had championed the holding of the convention, saying they should go a step further by making the money available for the undertaking.

He said those opposed to the holding of the convention had made those calls on account of cost implications.

"I have said those people who think they have got money, they must put that money where their mouths are, by saying ‘here is the money’ to the treasurer of the party ‘can you call for the convention’. That is all people are saying," Mulongoti said. "But they would rather talk about wanting to be candidate but not bringing the money to call that convention, and when that convention is called they want to walk there, and compete and win for nothing. That's not the idea. The idea is that we want them to participate as members of the party by making resources available."

Mulongoti justified calls for Magande and Mpombo to be disciplined, saying they were making too much noise.

He said should the duo be disciplined, it would be on account of indiscipline and not because they were candidates.

Mulongoti said it was indiscipline for Magande, who is a senior national executive committee [NEC] member, to be in the forefront of issuing injurious statements in the press.

"Mr Mpombo by his resignation, he ate his cake," he said.

Mulongoti said the debate on whether to hold a convention or not was still ongoing and that Magande and Mpombo were saying what they were saying because they were scared of the manner they had conducted themselves.

He said the NEC would meet at an appropriate time and it was possible that Mpombo and Magande's misconduct would be tabled before the meeting.

"Do you air your views on the front page of The Post newspaper against Mr [editor-in-chief Fred] M’membe, or Mr [deputy editor-in-chief Sam] Mujuda or Mr [managing editor] Amos Malupenga? Try and we will see if you will be there tomorrow," said Mulongoti. "So, please make it clear. When this matter is brought to NEC, it is brought on the agenda, it will be considered. But the appropriate authorities have already warned them that ‘don't issue press statements’."

Magande on Sunday threatened to quit the ruling MMD in 2011 if the party continues with what he described as undemocratic ways and trends of choosing leaders.

He said he would not subscribe to any undemocratic ways and tendencies of appointing leaders in MMD.

Magande said calls by some MMD members to postpone the party's convention to 2016 were unfortunate and would defeat the purpose of democracy.

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