
Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Stanbic launches housing project

Stanbic launches housing project
Written by Brina Manenga
Thursday, September 03, 2009 12:13:15 AM

STANBIC Bank Zambia in partnership with Impart Properties and Knight Frank, have launched a housing project called Southside Villas. The housing project involves a successful build up of 16 high quality houses, each worth US $495, 000 (about K1.8 billion) in Lusaka’s Lilayi Housing Estate.

During the launch, Impact Properties chairman Ridah Mungo’mba said the housing project had become the first to be pioneered by the Zambian people.

“This is a great achievement for Zambia because it has shown that we are capable and this project has employed over 400 people and in the end making a difference in their lives,” said Mungo’mba.

And commerce minister Felix Mutati urged young Zambians to emulate Impact Properties for becoming the first Zambians to successfully host a housing project.

He, however, said the project was inspiring and showed that Zambians could do great things on their on without relying on foreigners to boost the country’s economy.

“Today is a momentous occasion and it proves that Zambians can achieve great things. It shows that we are able to rekindle our economy if we put our heads together. We should not only depend on investors but we should also strive to make a difference in the lives of the ordinary Zambians,” said Mutati.

“With what has happened here today, government will use it as evidence to show other Zambians that indeed we are able to succeed. And we will certainly reach our goals and see a sustainable Zambia.”

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