
Monday, September 21, 2009

(TALKZIMBABWE) Rein in MDC-T leaders over WB funding

Rein in MDC-T leaders over WB funding
*Frank Chipati - Opinion
Sun, 20 Sep 2009 18:45:00 +0000

DEAR EDITOR - It is all there now in black and white that the World Bank /United States Agency for International Development (USAID) are corrupting the MDC-T politicians and civil servants. Are these the same organisations that have been preaching about transparency and anti-corruption to Zimbabweans for the last decade?

Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai and his MDC-T supporters have shown that they are a corrupt bunch and are only interested in feathering their own nests and those of the West at the expense of the Zimbabwean people. No wonder, the MDC-T and the West want Reserve Bank Governor Dr. Gideon Gono to be removed.

The IMF/World Bank and the International Bankers want to control the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe and its economy. It all explains why the MDC-T is very silent on the removal of sanctions which are affecting the majority of Zimbabweans. MDC-T wants to continue using the suffering of Zimbabweans to advance its political agenda of regime change.

The MDC-T people have not been forthright with the people of Zimbabwe. You have MDC-T Senator Obert Gutu saying that all civil servants are getting the same salaries of US$155, and yet he is aware that some of his colleagues are getting astronomical salary top ups from a slush fund from the World Bank and USAID.

It is most welcome that the MDC-T shenanigans are now in the public domain and that the story has been printed in the most read paper in Zimbabwe, The Herald.

Let the people of Zimbabwe ask this treacherous pair Morgan Tsvangirai and Tendai Biti, why they and their inner circle are getting these slush funds and living the life of Riley, whilst doctors, nurses, teachers, civil servants, the poor and the rural communities are struggling.

John Perkins' "economic hit men" have got to these MDC-T people already. This is not the change Zimbabweans want. Shame on the World Bank and USAID. They have been caught red-handed corrupting MDC-T politicians and civil servants for their regime change purposes.

The Southern African Development Community (Sadc) should convene an extraordinary meeting immediately and confront PM Tsvangirai and Minister Biti.

It is clear that PM Tsvangirai, Minister Biti and their likes want the majority of Zimbabweans to continue suffering under the illegal sanctions, whilst they are getting corrupt money.

Zimbabweans must confront PM Tsvangirai.

Prof. Jonathan Moyo was right that there is a parallel government in Zimbabwe run from PM Tsvangirai's office.

Those directors in the PM's office exposed by Prof. Moyo are traitors to the Zimbabwean cause. Feeble MDC-T supporters like JM are condoning this level of corruption and yet the MDC-T party has spent the last decade preaching about corruption in the Zanu PF ranks.

What sheer hyprocrisy and double standards by MDC-T! It is the West and its multi-nationals that are corrupting African politicians and yet they turn around and point at corruption in Africa which they themselves instigate.

*Frank Chipati is an acronym for a Zimbabwe Guardian contributor.

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